Jasonchenlijian / FastBle

Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.
Apache License 2.0
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Is there a trick to set the MTU size? #581

Open mikedorin opened 11 months ago

mikedorin commented 11 months ago

Sometimes it works, and sometimes I get a timeout/error. Is there a trick to setting it? Is there a maximum value? Thank you, Mike

hcyAndroid commented 5 months ago
private suspend fun initBleMTU(bleDevice: BleDevice): Boolean {
    val MAX_MTU = 180
    return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
                .setMtu(bleDevice, MAX_MTU, object : BleMtuChangedCallback() {
                    override fun onSetMTUFailure(exception: BleException) {
                        // 设置 MTU 失败
                        Logger.e("$TAG 设置MTU失败==${exception.description}")
                        if (isActive) {
                            continuation.resume(false) // 返回 false 表示初始化失败


                    override fun onMtuChanged(mtu: Int) {
                        // 设置 MTU 成功
                        Logger.d("$TAG 设置MTU成功==${mtu}")
                        if (isActive) {
                            continuation.resume(true) // 返回 true 表示初始化成功


mtu between 23 and 512