Jasonette / JASONETTE-Android

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Tabbar is not preserved #174

Open maks opened 7 years ago

maks commented 7 years ago

On iOS when navigating to a different view from a view that has a footer tabbar defined, the tabbar is redisplayed in the "child view", but on Android the tabbar is not displayed in the new "child" view.

realitix commented 7 years ago

Yes! I have the same issue!

gliechtenstein commented 7 years ago

If I understood correctly, the problem seems to be that on iOS, the tab bar shows up even when the new tab's markup doesn't contain footer.tabs?

That sounds like an iOS bug instead of Android bug, as the goal is to make sure the markup is deterministic, meaning it should display the same view regardless of the state.

Let me know if I misunderstood

realitix commented 7 years ago

I was not talking about the same thing actually. Sometime, you may want to highlight a specific menu in the tabbar. Currently, it works by checking the url so if you have a "child" view which is not in the tabbar, the first menu will be highlighted (instead of the parent menu). I'm not sure I explained it well :smile:

maks commented 7 years ago

@gliechtenstein ok thanks, yes I guess that's a bug in iOS then as yes it's appearing on subsequent screens without being set in them.

gliechtenstein commented 7 years ago

I don't think I understand without an example. I just tried with https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jasonette/Instagram-UI-example/master/home.json but this doesn't seem to have a problem so I'm guessing I am not understanding the situation here.

Could someone post a minimal JSON example I can test to understand and verify the bug? Thank you!