Jasonette / JASONETTE-iOS

📡 Native App over HTTP, on iOS
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reload page after app close - wait - app open, url is incorrectly encoded #318

Open darenr opened 6 years ago

darenr commented 6 years ago

This one was weird and took a while to reproduce. I have an app with a search tab. The search is executed and pust transitioned to the results:

  "type": "$href",
  "options": {
     "url": "%s/kmap_do_search?q=%s" % (app_base, trend),
     "transition": "push"

the url that the server sees is (for example)

method=GET path="/kmap_do_search?q=claire%20fontaine"

I then re-open the app sometime laster, not immediately, but maybe 20 mins later, presumably iOS has put the app in some hibernate state. Then I re-open the app, the view opens and the foreground action gets called:

        "type": "$reload"

What I see in the server logs now is

method=GET path="/kmap_do_search?q=claire%252520fontaine"

Notice the double encoding.

gliechtenstein commented 6 years ago

can you share the full code so i can try it?