Jasonette / JASONETTE-iOS

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Extending • Swift-class component returns nil #363

Closed RomanSlyepko closed 5 years ago

RomanSlyepko commented 5 years ago

Extending with custom components doesn't work for Swift classes. There is an issue in JasonComponentFactory in method build:withJSON:withOptions::

NSClassFromString(componentClassName) returns nil for Swift classes, because Swift class name have a different format: <appName>.<className> or <appName>_<targetName>.<className> instead of just <className> in Obj-C classes.

Therefore component class names must have a prefix for Swift classes, i.e. MyAppName.JasonSuperComponent

clsource commented 5 years ago

I believe this maybe related to this https://medium.com/@maximbilan/ios-objective-c-project-nsclassfromstring-method-for-swift-classes-dbadb721723

If you use Swift classes in the Objective C project, you may be faced with the problem, that NSClassFromString method always returns nil. You need to call NSClassFromString from Swift code first of all, and don’t forget about format:


But if you have many targets in your project or the name of the project is different than the name of the target you need to use the following format:


extension NSObject {
  class func swiftClassFromString(className: String) -> AnyClass! {
    if var appName: String? = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey(“CFBundleName”) as! String? {
      let fAppName = appName!.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(“ “, withString: “_”, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: nil)
      return NSClassFromString(“\(fAppName).\(className)”)
    return nil;

I havent got the opportunity to integrate swift with objective-c since swift became abi stable not so long ago.

Please provide some example code (upload a zip here) to test this.


RomanSlyepko commented 5 years ago

@clsource well, yes. It's related to the way Swift class names are generated and consequently to the usage of NSClassFromString in Jasonette internals.

That's why in JasonComponentFactory it should extract a raw name (without module and target names) and only then use it in [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Jason%@Component", capitalizedType]

clsource commented 5 years ago

Try this in your swift code


All swift classes use the Product Module Name a dot and the classname for their namespace (Module.Class). If you wanted to use "MySwiftClass" name for the class within your Objective-C code; you can add @objc(MySwiftClass) annotation to expose the same swift class name (without the module):

class MySwiftClass{


Class myClass = NSClassFromString(@"MySwiftClass");

Will contain the class instead of being nil.

clsource commented 5 years ago

If thats not working maybe this addition to the JasonComponentFactory.m will do.

+ (UIView *)build:(UIView *)component withJSON:(NSDictionary *)child withOptions:(NSMutableDictionary *)options{

    NSString *capitalizedType = [child[@"type"] capitalizedString];
    NSString *componentClassName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Jason%@Component", capitalizedType];

        Class<JasonComponentProtocol> ComponentClass = NSClassFromString(componentClassName);

        if(!ComponentClass) {
            // Maybe a is a Swift Component. NSClassFromString return nil on these.
            // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28706602/nsclassfromstring-using-a-swift-file
            NSString *prefix = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary][@"CFBundleExecutable"];
            NSString *swiftClassName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", prefix, componentClassName];
            ComponentClass = NSClassFromString(swiftClassName);
clsource commented 5 years ago

@RomanSlyepko it works?

RomanSlyepko commented 5 years ago

yes, @objc(MySwiftClass) works fine