JasperFx / alba

Easy integration testing for ASP.NET Core applications
Apache License 2.0
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Alba v5 Proposal #86

Closed jeremydmiller closed 2 years ago

jeremydmiller commented 3 years ago

I'm dipping into Alba over the next couple work days to add some improvements that we want at MedeAnalytics to test HTTP APIs that are going to be secured with JWT Bearer Token authentication that's ultimately backed up by IdentityServer5. I've done some proof of concepts off to the side on how to deal with that in Alba tests with or without the actual identity server up and running, so I know it's possible.

However, when I started looking into how to build a more formal "JWT Token" add on to Alba and catching up with GitHub issues on Alba, it's led me to the conclusion that it's time for a little overhaul of Alba as part of the JWT work that's turning into a proposed Alba v5 release.

Here's what I'm thinking:

DevOps changes

Bootstrapping Changes

Today you use code like this to bootstrap Alba against your ASP.Net Core application:

var system = new SystemUnderTest(WebApi.Program.CreateHostBuilder(new string[0]));

where Alba's SystemUnderTest intercepts an IHostBuilder, adds some additional configuration, swaps out Kestrel for the ASP.Net Core TestServer, and starts the underlying IHost.

In Alba v5, I'd like to change this a little bit to being an extension method hanging off of IHostBuilder so you'd have something more like this:

var host = WebApi.Program.CreateHostBuilder(new string[0]).StartAlbaHost();

// or

var host = await WebApi.Program.CreateHostBuilder(new string[0]).StartAlbaHostAsync();

The host above would be this new interface (still the old SystemUnderTest under the covers):

public interface IAlbaHost : IHost
    Task<ScenarioResult> Scenario(Action<Scenario> configure);

    // various methods to register actions to run before or after any scenario is executed

Extension Model

Right now the only extension I have in mind is one for JWT tokens, but it probably goes into a separate Nuget, so here you go.

public interface ITestingHostExtension : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable
    // Make any necessary registrations to the actual application
    IHostBuilder Configure(IHostBuilder builder);

    // Spin it up if necessary before any scenarios are run, also gives
    // an extension a chance to add any BeforeEach() / AfterEach() kind
    // of hooks to the Scenario or HttpContext
    ValueTask Start(ITestingHost host);


My thought is that ITestingHostExtension objects would be passed into the StartAlbaHost(params ITestingHostExtension[] extensions) method from above.

JWT Bearer Token Extension

This will probably need to be in a separate Alba.JwtTokens Nuget library.

For the stubbed in identity server, what I'm thinking is that a registered IdentityServerStub extension would:

jeremydmiller commented 2 years ago

This was completed.