JasperFx / lamar

Fast Inversion of Control Tool and Successor to StructureMap
MIT License
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Order of appended ServiceCollections should not matter #153

Closed e-tobi closed 5 years ago

e-tobi commented 5 years ago

This works (IWidget first):

var container = Container.Empty();
container.Configure(x => x.AddTransient<IWidget, AWidget>());
container.Configure(x => x.AddTransient<BaseThing, Thing1>());

This doesn't (BaseThing first):

var container = Container.Empty();
container.Configure(x => x.AddTransient<BaseThing, Thing1>());
container.Configure(x => x.AddTransient<IWidget, AWidget>());

I've encountered this when switching from SM to Lamar and got Issues with the Nancy bootstrapper. Nancy needs to register internal types which results in multiple .Configure() calls.

The WhatDoIHave():

Non-Working vase

ServiceType              Namespace                                    Lifecycle     Description                      Name                
BaseThing                StructureMap.Testing.Acceptance              Transient     new Thing1()                     thing1              
IContainer               Lamar                                        Scoped        Current IContainer               IContainer          
IServiceContext          Lamar                                        Scoped        Current IServiceContext          IServiceContext     
IServiceProvider         System                                       Scoped        Current IServiceProvider         IServiceProvider    
IServiceScopeFactory     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection     Singleton     Current IServiceScopeFactory     IServiceScopeFactory
IWidget                  StructureMap.Testing.Widget                  Transient     new AWidget()                    aWidget             
Scope                    Lamar.IoC                                    Scoped        Current Scope                    Scope               

Working vase

ServiceType              Namespace                                    Lifecycle     Description                      Name                
BaseThing                StructureMap.Testing.Acceptance              Transient     new Thing1(widget)               thing1              
IContainer               Lamar                                        Scoped        Current IContainer               IContainer          
IServiceContext          Lamar                                        Scoped        Current IServiceContext          IServiceContext     
IServiceProvider         System                                       Scoped        Current IServiceProvider         IServiceProvider    
IServiceScopeFactory     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection     Singleton     Current IServiceScopeFactory     IServiceScopeFactory
IWidget                  StructureMap.Testing.Widget                  Transient     new AWidget()                    aWidget             
Scope                    Lamar.IoC                                    Scoped        Current Scope                    Scope               
jeremydmiller commented 5 years ago

That behavior is absolutely necessary for ASP.Net Core compliance, so no dice. I'm afraid you're gonna have to take that up w/ the NancyFx guys