JasperFx / lamar

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ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing does not seem to work (or I do not understand what it is supposed to do) #160

Closed dcarapic closed 5 years ago

dcarapic commented 5 years ago

I'm tryin to get Lamar (3.0.3) to work in my .NET Core (2.2) web application and I can not make it resolve/generate correct implementation class. Here is a small console application which uses Lamar to get an instance of a class (.NET Core 2.2 with Lamar 3.0.3):

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LamarTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new Lamar.Container(cfg => {
                cfg.Scan(_ => {
            var instance = container.GetInstance(typeof(INotificationHandler<IDomainEvent>));

    public interface INotification {


    public interface IDomainEvent : INotification {


    public interface INotificationHandler<in TNotification> where TNotification : INotification
        Task Handle(TNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    public class SignalRDomainEventHandler<T> : INotificationHandler<T> where T: IDomainEvent

        public Task Handle(T notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return Task.CompletedTask;

The application has an interface INotificationHandler and single implementing class. If you run this you will get an exception:

Unhandled Exception: Lamar.IoC.LamarMissingRegistrationException: No service registrations exist or can be derived for LamarTest.INotificationHandler<LamarTest.IDomainEvent>
   at Lamar.IoC.Scope.GetInstance(Type serviceType)
   at LamarTest.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Work\Projects\OP\OP.BusinessRunner2\LamarTest\Program.cs:line 18

However if you uncomment line 16 (//cfg.For(typeof(INotificationHandler<>)).Add(typeof(SignalRDomainEventHandler<>));) then everything works fine. Did I misunderstand what ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing does? Do I have to manually perform type mapping by scanning through the types myself?

dcarapic commented 5 years ago

Please ignore this issue. The method name states ...Closing which obviously means it will not route to my open handler. Sorry.