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Fast Inversion of Control Tool and Successor to StructureMap
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How to map two different Interface such that one Interface value get change automatically other should get reflected #163

Closed coredevsushant closed 5 years ago

coredevsushant commented 5 years ago

I have Core in which Interface is declared as

    public interface IRequestProvider
        int SomeId { get; set; }

Implementation also define in same layer

and then I have another layer Repo layer in which I am calling another external nuget packages called DataAccess layer

in which I have declared

    public interface IRequestProvider
        int SomeId { get; set; }
        int SomeOtherId { get; set; }

so In core and DataAccess both layer I have defined IRequestProvider

Lamar code

 public static class SomeRegistry
        public static void RegisterDISome(this ServiceRegistry services, IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot)




Scoped use to pass the same instance throughout the request

Automapper is enable

 public class DomainToRepoMappingsProfile : Profile
        public DomainToRepoMappingsProfile()
            this.CreateMap<IRequestProvider, DataAccess.IRequestProvider>()
                .ForMember(dst => dst.SomeOtherId, opt => opt.Ignore());

My expectation is when I change something in Core.IRequestProvider from any layer it should auto reflected in DataAccess.IRequestProvider layer

Currently I am calling IDomainToRepoMappingRequestProvider.map() each time to set DataAccess.IRequestProvider

 public class DomainToRepoMappingRequestProvider : IDomainToRepoMappingRequestProvider
        private readonly IMapper _mapper = null;
        private readonly IRequestProvider _requestProvider = null;
        private DataAccess.IRequestProvider _dataAccessRequestProvider = null;
        public DomainToRepoMappingRequestProvider(IRequestProvider requestProvider, DataAccess.IRequestProvider dataAccessRequestProvider, IMapper mapper)
            _mapper = mapper;
            _requestProvider = requestProvider;
            _dataAccessRequestProvider = dataAccessRequestProvider;
        public void Map()
            _mapper.Map(_requestProvider, _dataAccessRequestProvider);

public class RequestProvider : IRequestProvider
    private readonly _mappingProvider;
    private int _someId;

    public RequestProvider(IDomainToRepoMappingRequestProvider mappingProvider)
        _mappingProvider = mappingProvider

    public int SomeId
            _someId = value;

I am looking way through Dependency Injection I finding a solution to reflect changes automatically when something is changed without calling map()

jeremydmiller commented 5 years ago

You could have a Lambda builder registration call Map() for you I suppose. I don't know that I would recommend trying to deal with this w/ DI.

jeremydmiller commented 5 years ago

I'm going to close this for lack of activity.