JasperFx / lamar

Fast Inversion of Control Tool and Successor to StructureMap
MIT License
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Fixed Broken Paths in csproj Files #317

Closed twinter-amosfivesix closed 2 years ago

twinter-amosfivesix commented 2 years ago

When I do a fresh clone of the Lamar repository and try to compile the solution, I get several compile errors about projects not being found. Those are due to bad or duplicate project paths in some of the .csproj files. The fixes in this PR clean those up.

Everything compiles now and all tests pass.

rizi commented 2 years ago

Just to let you know: This PR also fixes the broken paths:



jeremydmiller commented 2 years ago

@twinter-patriot I saw this right after doing the exact same fixes in my local branch right now. But thank you! Sorry for being slow on the uptake with this one.