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IServiceScopeFactory is being disposed #385

Closed cheng93 closed 10 months ago

cheng93 commented 11 months ago


Mentions that IServiceScopeFactory is a singleton. It also does not implement IDisposable, which means I assume throughout the lifetime of the application it should be available.

However I am finding that it is being disposed, probably due to Container also implementing IDisposable, and is causing an issue.

https://github.com/cheng93/ServiceScopeFactoryDisposed is a sample

calling http://localhost:5153/test will trigger it

cheng93 commented 11 months ago

I believe IServiceScopeFactory being injected into the service is not the root scope, but rather the request scope, thus it's being disposed.


I think it's due to this.

The resolver compiles down is equivalent to the following

scope => {
  var inline_serviceScopeFactory = (IServiceScopeFactory) scope // this should probably be scope.Root
  return new TestService(inline_serviceScopeFactory, ....)