Closed natalie-o-perret closed 1 year ago
Side note about types: In the code I previously posted:
let main argv =
let accountCreated = AccountEvent.AccountCreated({
Owner = "Khalid Abuhakmeh"
AccountId = Guid.NewGuid()
StartingBalance = 1000m
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
let serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(accountCreated)
let deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AccountEvent>(serialized)
printfn "%A" (accountCreated = deserialized)
is equal to:
{Owner = "Khalid Abuhakmeh";
AccountId = 2a81eb7c-2907-462f-bf15-222343f8582a;
CreatedAt = 2019-06-06 11:12:16 PM +00:00;
StartingBalance = 1000M;}
However it seems that when using discriminated unions, in the mt_events
table I have:
1 016b2f00-db9e-4389-a150-7f118eaa4951 016b2f00-d8a1-4140-8bec-88f857a96104 1 {"Case": "AccountCreated", "Fields": [{"Owner": "Khalid Abuhakmeh", "AccountId": "016b2f00-d8a1-4140-8bec-88f857a96104", "CreatedAt": "2019-06-06T22:55:13.0596873+00:00", "StartingBalance": 1000.0}]} account_created 2019-06-06 22:55:13.974592 Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated, Marten.FSharp *DEFAULT*
2 016b2f00-dba0-437d-85c8-4433e0eb6723 016b2f00-d8a1-4140-8bec-88f857a96104 2 {"Case": "AccountCredited", "Fields": [{"To": "016b2f00-d8a3-45a4-9bb9-334a4e3e8484", "From": "016b2f00-d8a1-4140-8bec-88f857a96104", "Time": "2019-06-06T22:55:13.060011+00:00", "Amount": 100.0, "Description": "transfer to bill"}]} account_credited 2019-06-06 22:55:13.974592 Program+AccountEvent+AccountCredited, Marten.FSharp *DEFAULT*
3 016b2f00-db9f-486e-ba77-3f795e2c5b1b 016b2f00-d8a3-45a4-9bb9-334a4e3e8484 1 {"Case": "AccountCreated", "Fields": [{"Owner": "Bill Boga", "AccountId": "016b2f00-d8a3-45a4-9bb9-334a4e3e8484", "CreatedAt": "2019-06-06T22:55:13.0600103+00:00", "StartingBalance": 0.0}]} account_created 2019-06-06 22:55:13.974592 Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated, Marten.FSharp *DEFAULT*
I am not sure the issue could be related to that but in the mt_dotnet_type
I am not too sure but I found it weird that the type register is Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated
instead of Program+AccountEvent
Knowing that Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated
is not a type that cannot be passed as a parameter of a function / method...
Now if I am taking the type of accountCreated
at runtime in my first snippet:
let accountCreated = AccountEvent.AccountCreated({
Owner = "Khalid Abuhakmeh"
AccountId = Guid.NewGuid()
StartingBalance = 1000m
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
let accountCreatedType = accountCreated.GetType()
I have the following properties for accountCreatedType
accountCreatedType = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated"
Assembly = {RuntimeAssembly} "ConsoleApp1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
AssemblyQualifiedName = {string} "Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated, ConsoleApp1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
Attributes = {TypeAttributes} NestedPublic | SpecialName | Serializable | BeforeFieldInit
BaseType = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
Cache = {RuntimeTypeCache} {System.RuntimeType.RuntimeTypeCache}
ContainsGenericParameters (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
ContainsGenericParameters (Type) = {bool} false
CustomAttributes = {ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeData>} Count = 3
DeclaredConstructors = {ConstructorInfo[]} Count = 1
DeclaredEvents = {EventInfo[]} Count = 0
DeclaredFields = {FieldInfo[]} Count = 1
DeclaredMembers = {MemberInfo[]} Count = 4
DeclaredMethods = {MethodInfo[]} Count = 1
DeclaredNestedTypes = {<get_DeclaredNestedTypes>d__22} {System.Reflection.TypeInfo.<get_DeclaredNestedTypes>d__22}
DeclaredProperties = {PropertyInfo[]} Count = 1
DeclaringMethod (RuntimeType) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
DeclaringMethod (Type) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
DeclaringType (RuntimeType) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
DeclaringType (Type) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
DomainInitialized = {bool} false
FullName = {string} "Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated"
GUID = {Guid} "d394093c-17e9-394e-bcd7-1c9ae1e379fb"
GenericCache = {object} null
GenericParameterAttributes (RuntimeType) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
GenericParameterAttributes (Type) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
GenericParameterPosition (RuntimeType) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
GenericParameterPosition (Type) = {System.InvalidOperationException} Exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' was thrown
GenericTypeArguments = {Type[]} Count = 0
GenericTypeParameters = {Type[]} Count = 0
HasElementType = {bool} false
ImplementedInterfaces = {Type[]} Count = 5
IsAbstract = {bool} false
IsAnsiClass = {bool} true
IsArray = {bool} false
IsAutoClass = {bool} false
IsAutoLayout = {bool} true
IsByRef = {bool} false
IsByRefLike (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsByRefLike (Type) = {bool} false
IsCOMObject = {bool} false
IsClass = {bool} true
IsCollectible (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsCollectible (Type) = {bool} false
IsConstructedGenericType (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsConstructedGenericType (Type) = {bool} false
IsContextful = {bool} false
IsEnum = {bool} false
IsExplicitLayout = {bool} false
IsExportedToWindowsRuntime = {bool} false
IsGenericMethodParameter = {bool} false
IsGenericParameter (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsGenericParameter (Type) = {bool} false
IsGenericType (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsGenericType (Type) = {bool} false
IsGenericTypeDefinition (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsGenericTypeDefinition (Type) = {bool} false
IsGenericTypeParameter = {bool} false
IsImport = {bool} false
IsInterface = {bool} false
IsLayoutSequential = {bool} false
IsMarshalByRef = {bool} false
IsNested = {bool} true
IsNestedAssembly = {bool} false
IsNestedFamANDAssem = {bool} false
IsNestedFamORAssem = {bool} false
IsNestedFamily = {bool} false
IsNestedPrivate = {bool} false
IsNestedPublic = {bool} true
IsNotPublic = {bool} false
IsPointer = {bool} false
IsPrimitive = {bool} false
IsPublic = {bool} false
IsSZArray (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsSZArray (Type) = {bool} false
IsSealed = {bool} false
IsSecurityCritical (RuntimeType) = {bool} true
IsSecurityCritical (Type) = {bool} true
IsSecuritySafeCritical (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsSecuritySafeCritical (Type) = {bool} false
IsSecurityTransparent (RuntimeType) = {bool} false
IsSecurityTransparent (Type) = {bool} false
IsSerializable = {bool} true
IsSignatureType = {bool} false
IsSpecialName = {bool} true
IsTypeDefinition (RuntimeType) = {bool} true
IsTypeDefinition (Type) = {bool} true
IsUnicodeClass = {bool} false
IsValueType = {bool} false
IsVariableBoundArray = {bool} false
IsVisible = {bool} true
IsWindowsRuntimeObject = {bool} false
MemberType (RuntimeType) = {MemberTypes} NestedType
MemberType (Type) = {MemberTypes} NestedType
MetadataToken (RuntimeType) = {int} 33554439
MetadataToken (MemberInfo) = {int} 33554439
Module (RuntimeType) = {RuntimeModule} "ConsoleApp1.exe"
Module (MemberInfo) = {RuntimeModule} "ConsoleApp1.exe"
Name = {string} "AccountCreated"
Namespace = {string} null
ReflectedType (RuntimeType) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
ReflectedType (Type) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
StructLayoutAttribute (RuntimeType) = {StructLayoutAttribute} {System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute}
StructLayoutAttribute (Type) = {StructLayoutAttribute} {System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute}
TypeHandle (RuntimeType) = {RuntimeTypeHandle} "System.RuntimeTypeHandle"
TypeHandle (Type) = {RuntimeTypeHandle} "System.RuntimeTypeHandle"
TypeInitializer = {ConstructorInfo} null
UnderlyingSystemType = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated"
It's interesting to notice that the type that can actually be passed as the parameter of Apply
for the aggregate is considered as the parent type: BaseType = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
DeclaringType (RuntimeType) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
DeclaringType (Type) = {RuntimeType} "Program+AccountEvent"
Depending on which type marten is using to lookup the aggregate method / Apply
pattern it may explain why nothing is triggered with discriminated unions.
It also worth mentioning that:
let serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(accountCreated)
let deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AccountEvent>(serialized)
let rawDeserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(serialized, accountCreatedType)
let castedDeserialized = castAs<AccountEvent>(rawDeserialized).Value
printfn "%A" (accountCreated = deserialized)
printfn "%A" (deserialized = castedDeserialized)
shows that deserialization works either way, be it with AccountEvent
or the runtime type Program+AccountEvent+AccountCreated
Also that question on SO:
Helped me to realize that:
A discriminated union in F# is compiled to an abstract class and its options become nested concrete classes.
type DU = A | B`
is abstract whileDU.A
are concrete.
Which echoes what I was writing just above about the base type.
Source code that I probably need to go through:
@ehouarn-perret You know that you don't have to use the built in aggregator, right? You can use your own projection and/or aggregator if you just implement the interfaces. That might be easier than trying to force fit the F#isms into C#-centric reflection
You know that you don't have to use the built in aggregator, right? You can use your own projection and/or aggregator if you just implement the interfaces. That might be easier than trying to force fit the F#isms into C#-centric reflection
Yea hence my comment about which source files to go through in order to know how to properly implement those interfaces and maybe provide a generic type / helper for discrimimated unions
Out of curiosity I translated the C# version Aggregator<T>
to F#:
type Aggregator<'T when 'T : (new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : not struct> (overrideMethodLookup : IEnumerable<MethodInfo>)=
let aggregations : IDictionary<Type, obj> = (new Dictionary<Type, obj>() :> IDictionary<Type, obj>)
let aggregateType = typeof<'T>
let mutable alias = Unchecked.defaultof<string>
alias <- typeof<'T>.Name.ToTableAlias();
overrideMethodLookup.Each(fun (method : MethodInfo) ->
let mutable step = Unchecked.defaultof<obj>
let mutable eventType = method.GetParameters().Single<ParameterInfo>().ParameterType;
if eventType.Closes(typedefof<Event<_>>) then
eventType <- eventType.GetGenericArguments().Single();
step <- typedefof<EventAggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| typeof<'T>; eventType |]);
step <- typedefof<AggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| typeof<'T>; eventType |]);
aggregations.Add(eventType, step)
) |> ignore
static let ApplyMethod = "Apply"
new() = new Aggregator<'T>(typeof<'T>.GetMethods()
|> Seq.where (fun x -> x.Name = ApplyMethod &&
x.GetParameters().Length = 1))
member this.Add<'TEvent>(aggregation: IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent>) =
if aggregations.ContainsKey(typeof<'TEvent>) then
aggregations.[typeof<'TEvent>] <- aggregation
aggregations.Add(typeof<'TEvent>, aggregation)
member this.Add<'TEvent>(application: Action<'T, 'TEvent>) =
this.Add(new AggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(application));
interface IAggregator<'T> with
member this.AggregatorFor<'TEvent>() =
if aggregations.ContainsKey(typeof<'TEvent>) then
aggregations.[typeof<'TEvent>].As<IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent>>()
member this.Build(events, session, state) =
events.Each(fun (x : IEvent) -> x.Apply(state, this)) |> ignore
member this.Build(events, session) =
(this :> IAggregator<'T>).Build(events, session, new 'T());
member this.EventTypes =
member this.AggregateType =
member this.Alias =
member this.AppliesTo(stream) =
stream.Events.Any(fun x -> aggregations.ContainsKey(x.Data.GetType()));
Update with a partial solution:
type MyEventAggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(apply: Action<'T, Event<'TEvent>>)=
new(method: MethodInfo) =
let parameters = method.GetParameters()
let eventType = typeof<Event<'TEvent>>
let parameter = parameters.SingleOrDefault()
let parameterGenericType = parameter.ParameterType.GetGenericArguments().SingleOrDefault()
let eventGenericType = eventType.GetGenericArguments().SingleOrDefault()
if parameters.Length <> 1 ||
not ((Reflection.FSharpType.IsUnion parameterGenericType
&& eventGenericType.BaseType = parameterGenericType)
(parameter.ParameterType = eventType)) ||
(method.DeclaringType <> typeof<'T>) then
let message = String.Format("Method {0} on {1} cannot be used as an aggregation method", method.Name, method.DeclaringType)
raise(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(message));
let aggregateParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof<'T>, "a");
let eventParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof<Event<'TEvent>>, "e");
let body = Expression.Call(aggregateParameter, method, eventParameter);
let lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<'T, Event<'TEvent>>>(body, aggregateParameter, eventParameter);
let compilation = lambda.Compile()
// ExpressionCompiler is internal =/
// let expressionCompiler = Type.GetType("Marten.Util.ExpressionCompiler, Marten")
new MyEventAggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(compilation)
interface IAggregationWithMetadata<'T, 'TEvent> with
member this.Apply(aggregate, event) =
apply.Invoke(aggregate, event)
interface IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent> with
member this.Apply(aggregate, event) =
raise(new NotSupportedException("Should never be called"))
type MyAggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(apply: Action<'T, 'TEvent>)=
new(method: MethodInfo) =
let parameters = method.GetParameters()
let eventType = typeof<'TEvent>
let parameter = parameters.SingleOrDefault()
if parameters.Length <> 1 ||
not ((Reflection.FSharpType.IsUnion parameter.ParameterType
&& eventType.BaseType = parameter.ParameterType)
(parameter.ParameterType = eventType)) ||
not (method.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof<'T>)) then
let message = String.Format("Method {0} on {1} cannot be used as an aggregation method", method.Name, method.DeclaringType)
raise(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(message));
let aggregateParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof<'T>, "a");
let eventParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof<'TEvent>, "e");
let body = Expression.Call(aggregateParameter, method, eventParameter);
let lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<'T, 'TEvent>>(body, aggregateParameter, eventParameter);
let compilation = lambda.Compile()
// ExpressionCompiler is internal =/
// let expressionCompiler = Type.GetType("Marten.Util.ExpressionCompiler, Marten")
new MyAggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(compilation)
interface IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent> with
member this.Apply(aggregate, event) =
apply.Invoke(aggregate, event)
type MyAggregator<'T when 'T : (new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : not struct> (overrideMethodLookup : IEnumerable<MethodInfo>)=
let aggregations : IDictionary<Type, obj> = (new Dictionary<Type, obj>() :> IDictionary<Type, obj>)
let aggregateType = typeof<'T>
let mutable alias = Unchecked.defaultof<string>
alias <- typeof<'T>.Name.ToTableAlias();
overrideMethodLookup.Each(fun (method : MethodInfo) ->
let mutable step = Unchecked.defaultof<obj>
let mutable eventType = method.GetParameters().Single<ParameterInfo>().ParameterType;
if eventType.Closes(typedefof<Event<_>>) then
eventType <- eventType.GetGenericArguments().Single();
if Reflection.FSharpType.IsUnion eventType then
|> (fun x -> x.GetFields().[0].DeclaringType)
|> Seq.iter (fun x ->
step <- typedefof<MyEventAggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| aggregateType; x |]);
aggregations.Add(x, step))
step <- typedefof<MyEventAggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| aggregateType; eventType |]);
if Reflection.FSharpType.IsUnion eventType then
|> (fun x -> x.GetFields().[0].DeclaringType)
|> Seq.iter (fun x ->
step <- typedefof<MyAggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| aggregateType; x |]);
aggregations.Add(x, step))
step <- typedefof<MyAggregationStep<_,_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<obj>(method, [| aggregateType; eventType |]);
aggregations.Add(eventType, step)
) |> ignore
static let ApplyMethod = "Apply"
new() =
new MyAggregator<'T>(typeof<'T>.GetMethods()
|> Seq.where (fun x ->
x.Name = ApplyMethod &&
x.GetParameters().Length = 1))
member this.Add<'TEvent>(aggregation: IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent>) =
if aggregations.ContainsKey(typeof<'TEvent>) then
aggregations.[typeof<'TEvent>] <- aggregation
aggregations.Add(typeof<'TEvent>, aggregation)
member this.Add<'TEvent>(application: Action<'T, 'TEvent>) =
this.Add(new AggregationStep<'T, 'TEvent>(application));
interface IAggregator<'T> with
member this.AggregatorFor<'TEvent>() =
// Need to investigate here
let typeEvent = typeof<'TEvent>
if aggregations.ContainsKey(typeEvent) then
let aggregation = aggregations.[typeEvent]
aggregation.As<IAggregation<'T, 'TEvent>>()
member this.Build(events, session, state) =
events.Each(fun (x : IEvent) -> x.Apply(state, this)) |> ignore
member this.Build(events, session) =
(this :> IAggregator<'T>).Build(events, session, new 'T());
member this.EventTypes =
member this.AggregateType =
member this.Alias =
member this.AppliesTo(stream) =
stream.Events.Any(fun x ->
type MyAggregatorLookup (factory: Func<Type, IAggregator>)=
new() =
new MyAggregatorLookup(Unchecked.defaultof<Func<Type, IAggregator>>)
interface IAggregatorLookup with
member this.Lookup<'T when 'T : (new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : not struct>() =
let thisFactory = factory
let mutable aggregator = Unchecked.defaultof<IAggregator<'T>>
if thisFactory <> null then
aggregator <- thisFactory.Invoke(typeof<'T>) :?> IAggregator<'T>
aggregator <- null
if aggregator = null then
aggregator <- new MyAggregator<'T>()
member this.Lookup(aggregateType) =
let thisFactory = factory
let mutable aggregator = Unchecked.defaultof<IAggregator>
if thisFactory <> null then
aggregator <- thisFactory.Invoke(aggregateType)
aggregator <- null
typedefof<MyAggregator<_>>.CloseAndBuildAs<IAggregator>([| aggregateType |])
However there is an issue about Event<TDiscriminatedUnion>
@ehouarn-perret I’ll try to check what we can do on that.
@oskardudycz thanks! Newtonsoft has this class, might worth to have a look at it:
Thanks for sharing this finding 👍
Note: a potential workaround is to create a wrapper type that embeds the DU type. Sorry to have ghosted for a while: been busy working
Depending on how well this can be addressed in Marten, think it (workarounds) could at least be documented e.g. under scenarios (, mentioning any possible caveats. Though no F# code in Marten.sln, so documenting them with unit tests (as opposed to just MD) would introduce new build requirements :(
I have a plan to add new sample projects to our solution: one written with C# and other with F#, based on what @ehouarn-perret provided. It would be easier to check and verify if it's working also for F# and might be good starting point for our users. Thoughts? @jokokko I like the idea of updating also scenarios 👍
@oskardudycz I absolutely prefer having the docs as code (so our docs won't go stale). Just a new build prerequisite (F#) for anybody wanting to build Marten. Unless they are not made part of the default build or build is otherwise tweaked.
I have a plan to add new sample projects to our solution: one written with C# and other with F#, based on what @ehouarn-perret provided. It would be easier to check and verify if it's working also for F# and might be good starting point for our users. Thoughts? @jokokko I like the idea of updating also scenarios 👍
Might need a review, if @wastaz could have a look at it 👍
For sure I'll add you and @wastaz as reviewers. I have plan to work on that during the weekend or at worst in the next week if my non-marten life won't mess with that ;)
I'll have also some learning curve, as I wasn't coding in F# much.
A work-colleague showed me something the other day, some food for thoughts:
Does not provide much (nothing from my understanding) for projections, but well this is something that may worth looking at.
Also about this issue, the main problem behind it is a reflection issue:
I asked something a while ago on SO:
Didn't get any proper answer, I may dig into that when I will have more time.
Thank you @ehouarn-perret.
I'm just finishing Domain Modeling Made Functional by @swlaschin, last pages left - so I think that now I have the good basis to tackle this issue and make Marten more F# friendly.
After I finish my work on I'll try to tackle that.
One way to fix this issue is by adding the following bits of code to the original example
type WrappedAccountEvent = {
Inner : AccountEvent
type Events.IEventStore with
member this.Append(id : Guid, x: AccountEvent) =
let y = { Inner = x }
this.Append(id, y)
type Account with
member this.Apply(evt : WrappedAccountEvent) =
let unwrapped = evt.Inner
That code creates an optional type extension for the Append method specific to AccountEvents. Then it adds an intrinsic type extension to the Account type. The distinction between the two type extensions actually matters because the extension to the Account method is visible via Reflection and from C#. Other than some extra object allocations, the technique is low impact. It's just boring and repetitive code to write for every aggregate and its DU of events. And the solution to boring and repetitive code is ... code generation.
I propose that we use F# build time code generation, a technique I have borrowed from Myriad (
For each aggregate and DU event you are using, you would add an empty file to your project after the file declaring the event and aggregate. At build time, command line utility would receive a list of .fs files and process the F# AST of those files looking for member methods named "Apply" that take a parameter that is a DU. It would then generate code like the example above for each one, putting that code into the empty file you added to your project. I've used this technique before and it worked out fairly well.
If the Marten/F# folks think this is a viable solution, I'm willing to create and open source the command line utility to make it work.
@johncj-improving That's quite similar to the solution I ended up with but I didn't know about the code generation stuff (F# noob).
If this works with low impact and I can have it quite soon, it would be a viable solution for me.
Quick followup: I made a lot of progress on this over the weekend. I expect to have something for folks to look at in a week. The solution I came up with has some limitations. I think they are reasonable and I would like to hear feedback from folks:
Do these limitations sound onerous or unreasonable?
@johncj-improving that's great news!
Each aggregate has a single DU for its events. - This seems like the natural F# way to me.
That's the way I'm doing it right now - is the DU associated with the aggregate itself or is it just the DU?
Each aggregate/DU pair are declared in a single fs file. - I think this could be relaxed at the cost of code complexity that I would rather avoid.
That would be ok for me.
All these files are included in your project above any Marten implementation code.
I don't have Marten implementation Code above my domain code
Your aggregate/DU pairs are in a namespace - This can be the same namespace for all of them or different namespaces.
This seems to be a requirement anyway when using Marten right now
The Apply method has a type annotation on the DU variable. - This will requirement definitely go away as the more idiomatic F# code would allow type inference to do its thing. It's easier to process the AST if the variable has the type annotation.
That would be ok for me
@AlexZeitler I got the issue with types not being in a namespace blowing up the generated code fixed in the latest alpha. That's no longer a problem.
@jeremydmiller Thanks, will try it.
Each aggregate/DU pair are declared in a single fs file. - I think this could be relaxed at the cost of code complexity that I would rather avoid.
That's a bugger, ihmo. That can work out in most scenarios but I'm afraid it will bite you sooner or later especially if errors are kinda cryptic or hard to debug.
My point is that, can you actually detect if there is more than one per file? Or if say, there is something missing?
@AlexZeitler @mary-perret-1986
I got a chance to work on this a bit more last night and I see a way to ease up on some of these restrictions. I'll try post a sample of what the output will look like a bit later.
@johncj-improving just out of curiosity: how are things going with the sample? If you need some test feedback, just ping me 😉
Thanks for the reminder! The only requirement is that all of your aggregates and DUs should be in one file with a namespace. At compile time, you pass the name of that file to my command line utility. It will generate a file that will be inserted in your project immediately below the file you passed in. For the example above, assuming you split the code into two files (above the [<EntryPoint>]
attribute and specified Account as your namespace), the generated file would look like this:
module Martenizer
// Generated code
open Marten
open Marten.Events
open System
open Account
// DU wrappers get written first
type WrappedAccountEvent = {
Inner : AccountEvent
// Aggregates are extended with an unwrapping member
type Account with
member this.Apply(evt : WrappedAccountEvent) =
let unwrapped = evt.Inner
// Various Marten interfaces/objects get specific extension methods (only visible from F#)
type IEventStore with
member this.Append(id : Guid, x: AccountEvent) =
let y = { Inner = x }
this.Append(id, y)
member this.Append(id : Guid, xs : seq<AccountEvent>) =
let y = xs |> a -> { Inner = a } :> obj) //|> Seq.toArray
this.Append(id, y )
member this.Append(id : Guid, [<ParamArray>] evts : AccountEvent[] ) =
let y = evts |> e -> { Inner = e } :> obj) |> Array.toSeq
this.Append(id, y)
type IDocumentSession with
member this.LoadAsync<'T when 'T :> Account>((id : Guid)) =
async {
let acct = new Account()
let evts = this.Events.FetchStream(id)
for evt in evts do
return acct
} |> Async.StartAsTask
//The typeof command gets hijacked
let inline typeof< ^T when ^T :> System.Object> =
match typeof< ^T> with
| t when t = typeof<AccountEvent> -> typeof<WrappedAccountEvent>
| _ -> typeof< ^T>
The end result is that you write your F# the way you expect and when you compile, a bunch of magic happens that automates the wrapping of your DUs. The code that generates the code above is pretty ugly, but I'm the only one who has to look at it.
I'm waiting for the Marten 4.0 Event Sourcing API to be finalized so that I know the scope of the code I have to generate.
As a side note, that bit of code that hijacks typeof
is the nuttiest code I've every written. On the plus side, I finally understand SRTPs in F#.
If anyone has samples of Aggregates and Event DUs they can share, you can post them here or email them to me at [FirstName].[LastName]
Thanks, John Cavnar-Johnson
@johncj-improving what about using a Type Provider?
It seems somewhere along the way this might have been resolved.
Following test passes:
type CounterEvent =
| Increased of int
| Decreased of int
| ResetTo of int
type CounterState () =
member val Id = Guid.Empty with get, set
member val Total = 0 with get, set
type CounterAggregate () =
inherit SingleStreamAggregation<CounterState> ()
member _.Apply (e : CounterEvent, state : CounterState) =
match e with
| Increased i -> state.Total <- state.Total + i
| Decreased i -> state.Total <- state.Total - i
| ResetTo i -> state.Total <- i
let ``Can project a union`` () =
let cfg (options : StoreOptions) =
options.Connection ("...")
options.Projections.Add<CounterAggregate> (ProjectionLifecycle.Inline)
let store = DocumentStore.For cfg
let session = store.LightweightSession ()
let g = Guid.NewGuid ()
session.Events.Append (g, Increased 12, Increased 1) |> ignore
session.SaveChanges ()
let doc = session.Load<CounterState> (g)
Assert.Equal (13, doc.Total)
@JacksonCribb, thank you a lot for the feedback. That'd be great if we accidentally fixed that 😅 I'll keep the issue open, as I'm planning to work more on the Marten F# experience soon, so I'll try to double-check if we have all the common use cases covered.
@JacksonCribb, thank you a lot for the feedback. That'd be great if we accidentally fixed that sweat_smile I'll keep the issue open, as I'm planning to work more on the Marten F# experience soon, so I'll try to double-check if we have all the common use cases covered.
I'll also try to update my failed F# experiments to the latest version and see what happens. I'm quite curious.
I'm pretty done much covering all usecases as ive been working with Marten lately, a bit more things to cover and I think we can soon close the issue
It would be cool to see how you use marten within F# @natalie-o-perret. There is so little information online. Recently I wrote a little bit about my setup here:
In general I think it would be cool to have more F# Marten content.
Also maybe a test suite in order to check which scenarios supported and future regressions are prevented. A little while ago I wrote some tests for different json serializers:
@oskardudycz what would it take to add an F# testproject to this repo? I mean I would like to contribute here, but not sure how to get started. I.e. I could write tests with xunit for example as mentioned above.
@jannikbuschke Sounds like an awesome way to contribute to Marten! We've had F# contributors in the past, but not lately. I'd welcome some official F# docs and tests in the main codebase.
@natalie-o-perret Hello! i am not sure I understand the current status, have you been contributing the work you've done to cover all use cases to Marten, or was it something you've done on your side and the problem disappeared in Marten accidentally?
it seems that F# discriminated unions are not supported for aggregation / projection, example of code that does not work:
Long story short:
is equal tonull
Apply(accountEvent: AccountEvent)
is never called.However if I am doing something more classic like:
is properly loadedWhat did I change between the two? I basically removed discriminated unions, in the events that are append to the stream:
From (
):To (
type):and change the parameter passed to
I think this is really frustrating in F# to not be able to use Discriminated Unions because of the possibility it offers in terms of pattern matching. It forces to aggregate from the whole stream without persisting the aggregation / projection, which can be an issue in terms of performances for queries.
AFAIK, this is not due Newtonsoft.Json cause it does support both the serialization and deserialization with discriminated unions:
It most likely resides in some reflection tasks performed by marten upon event appending.
I am not sure if someone could have a hint about a decent workaround or maybe a hint about where to lookup in the source code.