JasperFx / wolverine

Supercharged .NET server side development!
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Wolverine needs a password in marten with wolverine senarion in V 7.1/2.0 #767

Closed AdvantBeiten closed 7 months ago

AdvantBeiten commented 7 months ago

I use this:

services.AddMarten(storeOptions => { storeOptions.Connection(connectionString); // more options }) .IntegrateWithWolverine("messagestore");

This worked in v6, but not in v7 any more. It only works when I remove the IntegrateWithWolverine command

The connections string contains a password, but at application start I get:

"Failed to setup resource Envelope Storage of type Wolverine Npgsql.NpgsqlException (0x80004005): No password has been provided but the backend requires one (in SASL/SCRAM-SHA-256)"

I alrady tried .IntegrateWithWolverine("messagestore", connectionString);

but still no luck.

Marten is version 7.1.1, wolverine 2.0.0, wolverinefx.marten is 2.0.0 as well

Any help would be appreciated.


jeremydmiller commented 7 months ago

More or less a duplicate with https://github.com/JasperFx/wolverine/issues/691.

Here's the temporary, easy workaround for the Npgsql behavior change that got you: https://github.com/npgsql/npgsql/issues/1123