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carousel #5

Closed JatinGupta40 closed 2 years ago

JatinGupta40 commented 3 years ago

Implement Carousel and feature of upload image by user for carousel

JatinGupta40 commented 3 years ago

Requirements -

  1. Default carousel with 2 images will be there on the main page.
  2. After login inside on MyBlog page there is a feature of personalized carousel only for user and not for admin.
  3. Inside the personalized carousel link, User can upload Image for Carousel along with the title and short description about the image (eg - author name, image location, usermood), so that to use his personal image to be shown on carousel.
  4. Error must be shown if the user uploaded any other file instead of image file.
  5. Select Images from new Uploads and the old uploads along with the title and short description for each image.
  6. Select from two option of posting the images to Main page of website or to the inner MyBlog Page. This further will remove the default carousel images.
  7. If selected the main page option, the the selected images will be shown in the carousel of main page and vice versa.
JatinGupta40 commented 3 years ago

Implementation -

  1. Make a link on the MyBlog page on the side of Add Blog named as - "Personalized Carousel".
  2. On the Personalized Carousel page the user have 3 options -
    • Input type Text (Title)
    • Input type Text (Author)
    • Input type File (Image)
  3. While adding the file, in the backend it should be checked that the added file by the user must be an image only, and if not then the user gets an error message of "File Format Wrong. Please try image format only."
  4. After submitting all the correct input provided by the user then it will go to another page named as - "uploadedimage.php".
  5. On the "uploadedimage.php" page, the user will se all the uploaded images in descending order.