JatinSainiOO7 / Simple-Open-Portfolio-Website

simple open source portfolio project for all contributors.
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Create Header for portfolio website #1

Open JatinSainiOO7 opened 8 months ago

JatinSainiOO7 commented 8 months ago

Issue: Create a Header for Portfolio Website


I want to create a header for my portfolio website to provide navigation and branding for the site. The header should include a logo or site name, navigation links, and potentially some additional elements like a search bar or social media icons.


  1. HTML Structure

    • [ ] Create an HTML file for the header.
    • [ ] Add a header element to contain the header content.
    • [ ] Include an element for the site logo or name.
    • [ ] Add a navigation menu with navigation links.
    • [ ] Add any additional elements, such as a search bar or social media icons, if needed.
  2. CSS Styling

    • [ ] Create a CSS file to style the header.
    • [ ] Apply appropriate styles to the header, such as background color, text color, and padding.
    • [ ] Style the logo/name and navigation links to make them visually appealing.
    • [ ] Ensure the header is responsive for different screen sizes.
  3. Interactivity

    • [ ] Implement any interactivity, such as a responsive navigation menu (e.g., a hamburger menu for small screens).
    • [ ] Test the header for functionality and responsiveness on different devices.
  4. Testing and Debugging

    • [ ] Test the header in various web browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
    • [ ] Debug any issues related to layout, styling, or functionality.
  5. Documentation

    • [ ] Document the HTML and CSS code for the header to make it easier for future updates and maintenance.


The header creation should be completed by [Insert Deadline Date].

Additional Information

Acceptance Criteria

Please assign this issue to the appropriate team member or developer for implementation. Feel free to reach out for any clarifications or additional information.