JatinSainiOO7 / Simple-Open-Portfolio-Website

simple open source portfolio project for all contributors.
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Create Footer for portfolio website #3

Open JatinSainiOO7 opened 8 months ago

JatinSainiOO7 commented 8 months ago

Issue: Create a Footer for Portfolio Website


I want to add a footer to my portfolio website to provide essential information, contact details, and links. The footer should be present on all pages and offer a professional and cohesive closing to the website.


  1. HTML Structure

    • [ ] Create an HTML file for the footer.
    • [ ] Add a footer element to contain the footer content.
    • [ ] Include contact information, such as an email address or contact form.
    • [ ] Add links to social media profiles and relevant resources.
    • [ ] Consider adding a copyright notice with the current year.
  2. CSS Styling

    • [ ] Create a CSS file to style the footer.
    • [ ] Apply appropriate styles to the footer, such as background color, text color, and padding.
    • [ ] Style the contact information, social media links, and copyright notice.
    • [ ] Ensure the footer is responsive for different screen sizes.
  3. Content Details

    • [ ] Ensure the contact information is accurate and up to date.
    • [ ] Check that social media links are functional and correctly linked to your profiles.
    • [ ] Review and revise the content for clarity and conciseness.
  4. Testing and Debugging

    • [ ] Test the footer in various web browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
    • [ ] Debug any issues related to layout, styling, or functionality.
  5. Documentation

    • [ ] Document the HTML and CSS code for the footer to make it easier for future updates and maintenance.


The footer should be completed by [Insert Deadline Date].

Additional Information

Acceptance Criteria

Please assign this issue to the appropriate team member or developer for implementation. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

JATINcODER-OO7 commented 8 months ago

can i work on this issu

CodeScribe01 commented 8 months ago

hello can i work on this issue. thank you.

Krishnakantsagar commented 8 months ago

can I work on it