Java-Discord / JavaBot

General utility bot for the Discord Java Community
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Add button to ask question in #how-to-get-help #325

Open MoonTM-GIT opened 2 years ago

MoonTM-GIT commented 2 years ago

Add an additional button (e.g. Ask question) to #how-to-get-help that opens up a modal where people can ask their question and when that modal is submitted, that question is reposted to a help channel, the help channel is automatically reserved for the question and the user is pinged in the help channel. There should be an ephemeral response to the modal containing the (now reserved) reserved channel. This is intended to be an alternative to our "current" way of reserving help channels.


liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

Are modal fields prefillable?

jasonlessenich commented 2 years ago


liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

What about opening a modal (the same for the button in how to get help) for when a user tries to send a message in one of the available help channels, prefill the message field.

With that following things could be realized:

Just an idea

MoonTM-GIT commented 2 years ago

I don't like that tbh, I think reserving help channels should be as easy and simple as possible

liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

Yeah you're probably right.

liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

How do you do these one time sent messages anyways? Like the message in #how-to-get-help

MoonTM-GIT commented 2 years ago


liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

The bot sends the message in the channel with the button. But how? Like per command or how is the bot doing it.

MoonTM-GIT commented 2 years ago

Can you send a picture of what you mean?

liquiddevelopmentnet commented 2 years ago

-- conversation was continued in discord --