JavaJens / TextSecure

A secure text messaging application for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Collect battery statistics comparing websocket usage to vanilla #22

Open relyt29 opened 8 years ago

relyt29 commented 8 years ago

See my comment in #21.

If we have some people with spare phones that can dedicate their phones to the cause, and can really really strictly run the phone under exact same conditions, that would be ideal for testing.

Something like (on a testing phone that you don't do ANYTHING else on during the test):

  1. Install Vanilla TextSecure
  2. Charge to full overnight, take phone off charger
  3. Every hour on the hour alternate between sending a message, recieving a message, send picture, recieve picture
  4. at 10 hours, take note of battery drain.
  5. Install Websockets
  6. repeat steps 2-4

Then get that shit into a spreadsheet and make some pretty graphs and that should be useful. It's important to do this right, because give Moxie a statement like "I haven't noticed bad battery drain" - and that's not helpful because its anecdotal. But if we can present aggregated properly taken stats showing the battery drain is on an order of X% worse, we might have a better chance of being merged.

At some point in a few days I will attach a spreadsheet on google docs for people to add their stats so that we can collect aggregate data across multiple devices, although the data is self-reported which is not optimal because people can lie, but please don't do that

patcon commented 8 years ago

This is a great idea, but let's use dumpsys batterystats :)

If we really want to be thorough, Facebook has a tool called Augmented Traffic Control for simulating mobile network conditions, which might drastically differ from ideal conditions of your home wifi. I believe they created this tool to test their app's battery performance themselves.

The OWS devs might even appreciate any info sent upstream on setting up the ATC toolchain for this sort of testing, although they may be doing it internally already

JavaJens commented 8 years ago

@patcon Really like the idea of ATC, This way we can even further create an identical scenario for everybody. I think however that for now regular battery stats like @f41c0r proposed (with your addition of batterystats) should suffice, the rest is extra bonus ;)

relyt29 commented 8 years ago

heads up to anyone planning on doing this - on API 19 and less, the command is adb shell dumpsys batteryinfo not adb shell dumpsys batterystats.

ATC looks interesting as a tool for testing the network conditions. Probably I will start by collecting battery stats normally for now (Two sample runs, one connected to wifi, and one only on carrier network) and then maybe later use ATC, maybe if Moxie says its necessary for merge? It doesn't look hard to set up, if you already have something like openWRT sitting on your network

relyt29 commented 8 years ago

the battery historian application that makes pretty html graphs of the battery data for you only has a minimum supported SDK of lollipop:

minSupportedSDK = 21 // We only support Lollipop bug reports and above

So I get this error.

I haven't yet gotten a contiguous chunk of time to perform the test under the conditions I want to perform it under, still working on this.

ddast commented 8 years ago

I have tried to do some testing of the battery drain the last couple of days. I used an old LG Optimus 2x with Android 4.4.4 (SlimRom) installed. The battery is old and does not perform well anymore. I guess these are pretty bad preconditions, so I do not claim accuracy for any of the results following.

As you can see I did some tests twice because I did not trust the results. The runtime of each test is only approximately the same but assuming a linear decay we can compare them using the ratio. In each test I sent about 10 messages to the device, some with pictures. All test were done with a 3G connection. For the last test in the list (yes the one with the smallest drain) I forgot to turn off WiFi, but the phone was not connected to a WiFi network.

Websocket (no GApps installed):

  1. Drain 10.2%/h (runtime 6h)
  2. Drain 11.9%/h (runtime 6.5h, batterystats)

Websocket (GApps installed, using websocket flavor):

  1. Drain 8.9%/h (runtime 7h, batterystats)

GCM (GApps installed (obviously), play store version):

  1. Drain 2.0%/h (runtime 7.5h)
  2. Drain 2.1%/h (runtime 36.3h)

GCM (GApps installed, same apk as for the websocket test 1 and 2):

  1. Drain 1.8%/h (runtime 8h, batterystats)

TL;DR: It seems that the total battery drain with websockets on this device is about 10%/h and with GCM about 2%/h. This shows that there is an increased amount of battery drain but without further data I would not use these results to quantify the increased drain.

However, if one would take the values serious the conclusion would be an increased drain of at least a factor 5 which seems quite drastic. It's at least 5 because if p is the amount of drain without TextSecure and we assume that p is the same with and without GApps then the actual factor is (10-p)/(2-p).

JavaJens commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the detailed analysis! I'm sure battery life could be heavily improved if we could lower the timeout for the connection. I think GCM has a timeout of ~15min, whereas we have to ping every 30s. I asked Moxie if we could increase the timeout, but he said they couldn't support that, referring to the required server resources.

Do you have any idea as to where the big difference between 4 and 5 comes?

ddast commented 8 years ago

The battery drain in 4 and 5 is almost the same. Are you referring to the different runtimes? This is just the runtime of one test run and does not mean that the battery emptied in this time span or something like that.

JavaJens commented 8 years ago

Ah ok. I do not know why, but I was under the impression this was the runtime of the phone. Like from full battery to dead empty.

geileszeuch commented 8 years ago

@JavaJens We cannot have the same timeout as GCM because Google has contracts with providers, which make sure that the connection is not killed after a short amount of time. We obviously don't have those perks.

JavaJens commented 8 years ago

@geileszeuch While this may be true, I'm sure longer connections would be possible if there where unlimited resources on the server side. For example, a dynamic timeout could be used, based on the current connection limitations. But for now we have to live with the drawback of increased battery usage.

geileszeuch commented 8 years ago

@JavaJens I totally agree that there is a lot of improvement possible. Others, like Telegram for example, manage to work without GCM and without any noticeable battery drain.

relyt29 commented 8 years ago

I don't have a phone that I can test this with right now or in the forseeable future cause I'm too broke right now to buy a second phone even pay as you go and my primary won't work for this, but it would be nice to get one or two more different test conditions to compare against so we have more data than just one device.

paride commented 8 years ago

I'm trying it out and I'm surprised by how well it works. At the moment I can't do a strict comparison like the one that has been suggested by @f41c0r (and I'm not sure if it is really possible to do a meaningful one), but it is apparent that the websocket implementation does not drain the battery. TextSecure does not even appear in the battery stats.

zebra-ok commented 8 years ago

I am planning to help out with more standardized battery reviews in the next days. But as far is I can tell until now, TextSecure with WS is draining the battery quite a lot. On my Nexus 5 with OmniRom and no GAPPS, the latest build takes around the same power as the display (!) as listed in Settings -> Battery. I had a medium phone usage, mostly checking / replying TS messages and checking news on the browser a few times. Here is a screenshot of the battery statistics:

Btw I think the battery test scenario proposed by @f41c0r is in my opinion quite ambitious concerning required testing time and not very close to realistic usage. I'd rather reduce the testing interval to something like 4-5 hours and send/receive messages every 20-30 min.

xmikos commented 8 years ago

@art1fa This is strange, I am now using WebSocket build of TextSecure daily on Nexus 4 (with original Google ROM) and I don't see it in battery stats at all (that means power consumption is very low). I have checked it and according to logcat it is really using WebSockets (I have compiled it with FORCE_WEBSOCKETS in my F-Droid repository).

paride commented 8 years ago

I also experience no significant battery drain on an old Galaxy S2 with Cyanogenmod 11 and no Google apps. I have to say that I tried it mostly on WiFi, this might be relevant.

xmikos commented 8 years ago

I am using it both on WiFi and 3G (but WiFi use is much more frequent, about 80% of time). This is on latest Android 5.1.1

zebra-ok commented 8 years ago

Well, I built the apk following the instructions on the wiki and the discussion here. At the end of the day, TS used something like 20% of the battery - that's how it was the last 5 days. I observed no significant change in battery drain when connected to Wifi or mobile data. I could try it also on my m7 later, but first i'll do the more objective test with my hammerhead.

Edit: I think the data usage in the last days was indeed more on 3G than on Wifi.

patcon commented 8 years ago

3G carrier can matter greatly:

schachmat commented 8 years ago

That could be a reason, but it still conflicts with @art1fa's report of “no significant change in battery drain”. Are you sure, your wifi connection does not suffer such a broken transparent proxy, @art1fa?

SSL might solve this issue for the users handicapped by their providers, but also is way more ressource hungry for connection establishment for all users. It might be worth trying out, but the proper fix can of course only be done by the proxy administrators.

h-2 commented 8 years ago

Some totally not representive stats:

After 12hours, about 39% of battery is used here: 6% Display 4% Kontalk 4% Android-System 4% Android-OS 4% TextLibre 3% K-9Mail 3% Lightning 3% Telegram 2% Conversations ...

I have used TextLibre, Kontalk and Telegram about the same amount (2-3 messages each). Kontalk was not set to "always on", i.e. Kontalk, Telegram and Conversations are all polling for their messages. Kontalk was set to disconnect after 5min of screen off and reconnect every 15min. For the other apps I don't know the intervals.

Whats the keep-alive on the websocket connection?

benediktg commented 8 years ago

I cannot complain about battery drainage caused by the websockets-enabled build. Down below is a screenshot of an example battery usage statistic. The phone (Samsung Galaxy S5 with Cyanogenmod 12.1, no GApps) was running about 13 hours without charge at that time. Three entries in the list are missing: the display used 16 %, the Android system 8 % and the Android OS 4 %. According to the output of BetterBatteryStats LibreSignal did not cause a partial wakelock whereas Telegram had about 20 minutes of wakelock time.


vanitasvitae commented 8 years ago

Websocket Branche doesn't show up in my Battery Statistics AS well. It seems to consume very low battery. Nice :)

benediktg commented 8 years ago

An observation I have made is that when I am on the go with mobile data enabled then LibreSignal (the websockets-enabled build) indeed shows up with a medium, but significant battery usage. Values like 5 or 7 % have occured.

In wifi networks the energy usage is still not noticeable in the statistics otherwise…

philippseith commented 8 years ago

Just my 2cts from a Blackberry Z30: img_20160120_185537

I didn't use the app most of the time. You can see the moments of usage by the spikes in "CPU-Auslastung" The overall usage was 0,4% of total drain. The native WhatsApp drained 0,2% (and was used in a similiar way) Not bad. My only doubt: How much of the real battery usage was assigned to the Android Player...

mimi89999 commented 8 years ago


Websocket on Wi-Fi ROM: cm13 without Gapps Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4 mini LTE GT-I9195