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\lblpos, \lbl etc. #41

Closed davidcok closed 2 years ago

davidcok commented 2 years ago

Classic JML includes \lblpos and \lblneg. I suspect these were included because they were used in the encoding into SMT (or the Simplify equivalent) in ancient history. Their function is to report the value of boolean expressions in a counterexample when a proof fails, but only if the value of the expression in the counterexample is true or false, respectively. (Hence they are proof debugging features of the language). They return the value and type of their argument.

0) We could deprecate them from JML because they are proof debugging features, not specification per se. I don't advocate this.

1) I don't think I've ever used \lblpos and \lblneg. What I have used is \lbl, which reports the value of expressions of any type (and independent of their value). I propose \lbl be added to JML. (I would not object to deprecating \lblpos and \lblneg but don't mind retaining them.)

2) The syntax is (\lblpos <identifier> <expression) (similarly for the others), which is unusual syntax for a programming/specification language. Much more natural would be \lbl(<java-identifier>,<expression>), which can be parsed as a functional form like most other expressions. In this case the <java-identifier> is not in any namespace and does not have a type or value -- it is just used as a label; we could use a string literal for that purpose instead or as well. I advocate adding this syntax (with the identifier or a string literal) and deprecating the old syntax for \lblpos and \lblneg. If we add \lbl we can add just this functional form.

3) Even more useful I've found is a show <expression-list>; statement, which is a specification statement (like assert, etc.). It reports the values of its expressions in the counterexample to a failed proof. It is simpler to insert and remove or comment out of programs than \lbl etc.; the \lbl etc can be used to wrap subexpressions in the method specifications, where show statements cannot be put. I use show all the time in debugging proofs. If we are going to have any common and useful proof assistance features in JML (like clause labels, assume statements), I advocate for this show statement.

Writing this makes me realize that I don't know if KeY does anything with counterexamples at all.

wadoon commented 2 years ago

KeY has no support for \lblpos or \lblneg. A \lbl(name, expr) could be useful for the introduction of abbreviation.

KeY has a counter-example mechanism, which can be applied on open proof goals to distinguish whether a goal is non-closeable due to the calculus (semi-decidable) or because of a valid error. The counter-examples mechanism is also exploited for the test case generation, to get input instance for the tests.

mattulbrich commented 2 years ago

I am really reluctant to include such control mechanisms into a specification language. I agree that loop invariants and assertions are also there for control, but they have a correctness semantics. We can say when a program with loop invariant succeeds and when it fails, likewise for assertions. The constructs show and lbl are without meaning when it comes to correctness and should be ignored as specification constructs.

I'd advocate to have the specification language JML standardized and leave the proof control / prover interaction further aside. While show is not the first candidate I would think about in KeY (because of its interactivity), there are number of proof control statements that I dream of, too. It does not look too good an idea to freely mix that with specification elements. Can we think of a syntactical way to make evident that "show" has no correctness implications, or "proof_by" in KeY. What does RAC do with show?

In KeY, we are (as mentioned earlier) on //! for such control statements to make clear it is not specification. Can we somehow make it clear to a reader at first glance that this is not a specification item? (perhaps _show?)

I think conveys a clear idea of what is to happen whereas \lbl deeply mixes specification and control. So, I am more reluctant about the lbl inside expressions.

Counterexamples in KeY are considered. There is a special translation to bitvectors, the counterexamples are represented on the logical entities that are around on the proof.

leavens commented 2 years ago

I agree that proof control directives should be omitted from JML.

davidcok commented 2 years ago

OK - so then we remove \lblpos and \lblneg, right?

leavens commented 2 years ago

Sure, that is fine.

mattulbrich commented 2 years ago

I'd agree to this. Nobody seems to have used them in a long time.

davidcok commented 2 years ago

OK. Agreed.