JavaMoney / javamoney-shelter

A shelter for new ideas and modules to be adopted, e.g. via Adopt-a-JSR
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Which other JVM languages to support? #12

Open keilw opened 9 years ago

keilw commented 9 years ago

While Groovy/Grails support is taking decent shape here, what other JVM languages do you think are important enough to support.

An initial list would be:


Others may include:

Any other language you feel is important enough or you wish to contribute something, please comment here.

msgilligan commented 9 years ago

On the above list, I think JavaScript/Nashorn should be prioritized. I've been hearing good things about and seeing adoption of Kotlin lately, so maybe it should be added to the list.

But as far as my own contributions, I want to focus on Groovy and the Bitcoin Provider for now.

keilw commented 9 years ago

I guess so, too, given this list:

Kotlin, feel free to give it a try, but outside a few people at JetBrains, I doubt it really matters in real life, though if the figures above are really derived from Github, some projects (likely also mostly by JetBrains;-) might use it, but I don't think it is used by real corporate clients now as Scala and others

keilw commented 9 years ago

Scala certainly sounds of particular interest. Given the UK HMRC got quite an impressive Open Source effort on GitHub and nearly all of their stuff is written in Scala.

keilw commented 6 years ago

Based on Android support, Kotlin gained a lot of momentum and we got a first shelter space, for it, too.

msgilligan commented 6 years ago

I'm using Kotlin now in a few projects. It has DSL capabilities similar to Groovy, and Java Money and DSLs are a nice combo.

keilw commented 6 years ago

Take a look at Not sure, how complete it is, but any extra help is highly appreciated.

bountin commented 6 years ago

kotlin-support is definitely not finished but I've started it because I was really missing the operator support and I didn't want to keep it private in my own project.

I really enjoy coding in Kotlin, so if there's anything to do, I'm happy to offer help.

keilw commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I recently attended a Clojure MeetUp and might look into Clojure support or ask others in that community for help.