JavaMoney / javamoney-shelter

A shelter for new ideas and modules to be adopted, e.g. via Adopt-a-JSR
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Java EE essential #21

Closed otaviojava closed 9 years ago

otaviojava commented 9 years ago

The proposal is create a new project, Java EE essential, that has goal to have support to Java EE 7. This include:

keilw commented 9 years ago

Please ensure, the POMs follow the parent:

  <versionId>the current version</version>

See or ${module} could be anything like "jsf", "jpa", etc. as long as they don't overlap other modules in shelter. If all of them fall under Java EE please group them accordingly, something like java-ee or java-ee-support with child modules like jpa or similar.

keilw commented 9 years ago

There are other likely candidates for EE features:

keilw commented 9 years ago

Replaced by javamoney-midas