JavaMoney / jsr354-ri-bp

Backport of the JSR 354 RI compatible with Java prior to SE8.
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CurrencyConversionException #59

Closed dhavalkarnatki closed 2 years ago

dhavalkarnatki commented 3 years ago

MonetaryAmount oneDollar = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency("USD") .setNumber(1).create();

            CurrencyConversion conversionEUR = MonetaryConversions.getConversion("EUR");

            MonetaryAmount convertedAmountUSDtoEUR = oneDollar.with(conversionEUR);
keilw commented 2 years ago

@dhavalkarnatki thanks for raising this, please try to use the Java 8+ RI as Java 7 or earlier are EOL for a long time now and the baseline for this JSR is the LTS Java 8.