JavaMoney / jsr354-ri

JSR 354 - Moneta: Reference Implementation
344 stars 101 forks source link

Release 1.4.1 is not available in central #337

Closed fatroom closed 4 years ago

fatroom commented 4 years ago

Hi @keilw congrats on the new release. I'm using dependabot for one of my private projects, and it's detected the release 1.4.1 of this library. But CI build is failed due to missing dependency. Would you mind to upload the released version to central please? shows only 1.4 as last released version.

keilw commented 4 years ago

Please wait till the end of the day, syncing to MavenCentral always takes a few hours, but if you are very eager, Bintray JCenter already has every dependency.

keilw commented 4 years ago

In a few hours please check manually, if all artifacts except moneta-bp (we don't plan to support it much unless there is a major bug and especially Jigsaw improvements don't matter to Java 7) in this list show 1.4.1. If you are missing one, please comment here.

fatroom commented 4 years ago

Everything is available on central right now. Thank you!