JavidPack / ModdersToolkit

A mod for modders to use for modding.
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UI Overhaul #25

Open ScalarVector1 opened 1 year ago

ScalarVector1 commented 1 year ago


The current implementation of modders toolkit relies on users interacting with a large sequence of small, visually identical buttons, having to hover over each one to see text to represent what it does. This not only makes it difficult to interact with due to the small size of the buttons but irritating to find the tool you want to use due to each button being identical.

Pitched solution

Overhaul the UI to be a toolbar on the side of the screen, with each tool having it's own unique icon. This allows for larger buttons which are easier to interact with, along with unique icons allowing users to quickly find the tools they need. The bar can also be collapsed to ensure its unintrusive.

Mockup image: ToolkitMockup

Potential problems

The larger footprint of the toolbar may be slightly more intrusive while expanded, and be less compatible with very small screens, in which it may overlap the minimap. This could be fixed by introducing scaling to the toolbar, or having a configuration option allowing for smaller icons.

Future work

It may also be desirable to change the UI of some of the tools available in the mod, to make them more visually appealing and remove some of the clipping they have (example: Player layer tool). Having the tools be stylistically consistent with the toolbar would probably be the best possible visual UX.