Open abstractrealism opened 6 years ago
Figured it out. If anyone else runs into this issue, just change line 178 of ~/.atom/packages/atom-to-photoshop/lib/atom-to-photoshop.js so that the path will have quotes around it, as in the following:
jsxScriptWithHelper = '#include ' + this.pathToHelpers + '\n\n' + '#include ' + "'" + currentTextEditor.path + "'";
@abstractrealism Yep, that would fix it for paths with spaces, good catch!
Feel free to put in a PR with the fix and I can merge it and make a new release. Otherwise I'll add the fix once I have some free time 😃 Thanks!
For a while I thought that this plug in just doesn't work, but then I happened to test a script that was on my desktop and it worked, so from there I realized that it's just paths with spaces in them that cause it to throw an error. The Line 3 had me really confused until I found ~/.atom/packages/atom-to-photoshop/lib/tmp/script.jsx which has an #include for the script you're running on the third line, with the path unquoted. I haven't figured out yet where that gets written from to try to fix it, any advice? Thanks!