JavierM42 / tailwind-material-colors

TailwindCSS Plugin to use the Material 3 Color System with Tailwind, including Dynamic Color support.
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Is `harmonize: false` works? #4

Closed beautyfree closed 10 months ago

JavierM42 commented 10 months ago

Could you provide an example where it doesn't work?

Here's a working example on CodeSandbox

beautyfree commented 10 months ago

Maybe I don't undestand meaning of turning off of harmonization.

I though that it keep color in original value (#e6eeff in this sandbox) https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/tailwind-material-colors-harmonize-example-forked-5nq956

JavierM42 commented 10 months ago

I should've been more specific in the README, that's my bad. harmonize comes from Material's algorithm and works like this:

How exaclty does Google's algorithm transform your color or blend it with the primary? Not sure, that's on their library.

beautyfree commented 10 months ago

Got it, thank you!