Javimetro / UniZen

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Kubios API research #5

Open Javimetro opened 5 months ago

Javimetro commented 5 months ago

Check Kubios APIs and decide what values we want to use in our app

Javimetro commented 5 months ago

Kubios' example of GET request

    "artefact": 0,
    "artefact_level": "GOOD",
    "create_timestamp": "2023-02-07T08:41:17.443562+00:00",
    "freq_domain": {
        "HF_peak": 0.28,
        "HF_power": 721.779829470606,
        "HF_power_nu": 54.761925498542396,
        "HF_power_prc": 50.215216154236685,
        "LF_HF_power": 0.82608152968261439,
        "LF_peak": 0.12666666666666668,
        "LF_power": 596.24898562313479,
        "LF_power_nu": 45.237815184201267,
        "LF_power_prc": 41.48186257403497,
        "VLF_peak": 0.04,
        "VLF_power": 119.34050928654747,
        "VLF_power_prc": 8.3026834847630226,
        "tot_power": 1437.3727422653126
    "mean_hr_bpm": 47.645352851816043,
    "mean_rr_ms": 1259.304347826087,
    "pns_index": 1.7941479368098474,
    "readiness": 62.5,
    "respiratory_rate": [],
    "rmssd_ms": 47.416088104597932,
    "sd1_ms": 34.344346185895489,
    "sd2_ms": 41.266303869645569,
    "sdnn_ms": 37.698488269778629,
    "sns_index": -0.99265420292525841,
    "stress_index": 11.304171779689023

ChatGPT opinion:

Based on the input and output examples you provided for Kubios' data, it looks like the most relevant data points for tracking stress levels in a simple app might include:

  1. Mean Heart Rate (BPM): This is the average heart rate over a period and can be a general indicator of stress levels, with higher rates potentially indicating higher stress.

  2. RMSSD (ms): The Root Mean Square of Successive Differences between normal heartbeats. It's a measure of the variability in heart rate and is considered a good indicator of the parasympathetic nervous system activity, which is involved in relaxation and stress reduction.

  3. Stress Index: This specific metric provided by Kubios, directly quantifies stress levels based on heart rate variability (HRV) data. It's an integrated index that could be very user-friendly as it directly relates to stress.

  4. Readiness Score: Though not a direct measure of stress, a readiness score could be useful in indicating how prepared the body is to handle stress or physical activity on a given day, which could be indirectly related to stress management.

  5. Artefact Level: This indicates the quality of the data. Ensuring you use high-quality, artefact-free data is crucial for accurate stress level assessments.

For a simple app focused on providing an easy view of stress levels, presenting these data points in an easy-to-understand manner, such as through graphical representations or color-coded indicators, could be very effective. For example, visualizing the RMSSD and Stress Index on a daily or weekly basis could give users a clear understanding of their stress patterns and help them identify what might be causing fluctuations in their stress levels.