Jawz84 / explainpowershell

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Speed up module help pipeline #51

Open Jawz84 opened 3 years ago

Jawz84 commented 3 years ago

Improve speed of helpwriter in the pipeline by eliminating the need for Azure PowerShell (which takes forever to load / login to from azure/login@v1)

Use Az cli instead in https://github.com/Jawz84/explainpowershell/blob/09f902583fc4df8ec655d006464ce01b6c861fdb/explainpowershell.helpcollector/helpwriter.ps1

Get storage account key $a = az storage account keys list --resource-group powershellexplainer --account-name explainpowershell | convertfrom-json $a | where keyname -eq key2 | select -exp value $key2 = $a | where keyname -eq key2 | select -exp value

how to read an entity: az storage entity show --account-name explainpowershell --table-name TestHelpData --partition-key CommandHelp --row-key it --account-key $key2

write entity: see here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli-samples/blob/master/storage/tables.md