JayH5 / android-ffmpeg-cmdline

Command-line ffmpeg for android (based on https://github.com/guardianproject/android-ffmpeg-java)
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Could not exec "drawtext" command #3

Open nguyenkhanhhoa87 opened 10 years ago

nguyenkhanhhoa87 commented 10 years ago

I tried to execute command "drawtext" by hard code in function create() of class FfmpegJob.java but the output file always is 0.0bytes.

cmd.add(mFfmpegPath); cmd.add("-y");
cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(inputPath); cmd.add("-vf"); cmd.add("drawtext=\"fontfile=/storage/emulated/0/videokit/AndroidClock.ttf:text=’All Rights Reserv'\""); cmd.add(outputPath);

JayH5 commented 10 years ago

Typically, ffmpeg is compiled with FreeType in order to support subtitles. This build script does not build that library and I think that is probably your problem.

Unfortunately, I don't really have time to work on this project at the moment so for now you will have to find a fix yourself.