Dieses Projekt soll es ermöglichen, Daten von Sensoren mit einem Arduino auszulesen und diese dann in Google sheets zu speichern, um dann beispielsweise mit einem Twitterbot diese Daten erreichbar zu machen.
Since gathering data every minute is a lot of data and more importanly it's a lot of samples to be plotted it might be interessting to use an algorithm like the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm
which also has been used by the coding Train. It might actually make the graphs easier to read and understand if there is less "noise" in the plotted data.
Since gathering data every minute is a lot of data and more importanly it's a lot of samples to be plotted it might be interessting to use an algorithm like the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm which also has been used by the coding Train. It might actually make the graphs easier to read and understand if there is less "noise" in the plotted data.