I needed the functionality to not only update or create registry keys, but also to Delete registry keys. I altered your code to reflect this and I thought I would share with you in case anyone else needed the same functionality.
Marius Wyss (marius.wyss@microsoft.com)
Script: Change-MultipleRegistryKeysRemediaton.ps1
Hint: This is a community script. There is no guarantee for this. Please check thoroughly before running.
Version 1.0: Init
Run as: User/Admin
Context: 64 Bit
Description: This script creates the registry keys defined below.
Output: (single line)
If ok, a prefix string (33) + each the key name
e.g: All OK | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
If not ok, a prefix string (52) + each created key (without the not created keys)
e.g: Something went wrong :-( | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
Author: Rob Whitley
2024-07-17 Added functionality to handle the Action 'Delete'
region Define registry keys to create here
$RegistrySettingsToValidate = @(
Action = 'Delete'
Hive = 'HKLM:\'
Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product'
Name = 'ImportantKey'
Type = ''
Value = 0
Action = 'Update'
Hive = 'HKLM:\'
Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product'
Name = 'AnotherKey'
Type = 'REG_SZ'
Value = "SomeValue"
Marius Wyss (marius.wyss@microsoft.com)
Script: Change-MultipleRegistryKeysRemediaton.ps1
Hint: This is a community script. There is no guarantee for this. Please check thoroughly before running.
Version 1.0: Init
Run as: User/Admin
Context: 64 Bit
Description: This script creates the registry keys defined below.
Output: (single line)
If ok, a prefix string (33) + each the key name
e.g: All OK | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
If not ok, a prefix string (52) + each created key (without the not created keys)
e.g: Something went wrong :-( | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
Author: Rob Whitley
2024-07-17 Added functionality to handle the Action 'Delete'
region Define registry keys to create here
$RegistrySettingsToValidate = @(
Action = 'Delete'
Hive = 'HKLM:\'
Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product'
Name = 'ImportantKey'
Type = ''
Value = 0
Action = 'Update'
Hive = 'HKLM:\'
Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product'
Name = 'AnotherKey'
Type = 'REG_SZ'
Value = "SomeValue"
I needed the functionality to not only update or create registry keys, but also to Delete registry keys. I altered your code to reflect this and I thought I would share with you in case anyone else needed the same functionality.
Change-MultipleRegistryKeysDetection.ps1 ` <# Version: 1.0 Author:
<# Description: This script creates the registry keys defined below. Output: (single line) If ok, a prefix string (33) + each the key name e.g: All OK | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName If not ok, a prefix string (52) + each created key (without the not created keys) e.g: Something went wrong :-( | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
Author: Rob Whitley 2024-07-17 Added functionality to handle the Action 'Delete'
region Define registry keys to create here
$RegistrySettingsToValidate = @( [pscustomobject]@{ Action = 'Delete' Hive = 'HKLM:\' Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product' Name = 'ImportantKey' Type = '' Value = 0 }, [pscustomobject]@{ Action = 'Update' Hive = 'HKLM:\' Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product' Name = 'AnotherKey' Type = 'REG_SZ' Value = "SomeValue" } )
region helper functions, enums and maps
$RegTypeMap = @{ REG_DWORD = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord REG_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::String REG_QWORD = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::QWord REG_BINARY = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::Binary REG_MULTI_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::MultiString REG_EXPAND_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString }
region Create registry keys
$Output = "Something went wrong :-(" $Names = @() $ExitCode = 1 Foreach ($reg in $RegistrySettingsToValidate) {
region Check if registry keys are set correctly
If ($Names.count -eq $RegistrySettingsToValidate.count) { $Output = "All OK | Registry values $($DesiredAction)d: $($Names -join ', ')" $ExitCode = 0 } else { $Output = "Something went wrong :-( | Registry values $($DesiredAction)d: $($Names -join ', ')" $ExitCode = 1 }
Write-Output $Output Exit $ExitCode `
Change-MultipleRegistryKeysRemediaton.ps1 ` <# Version: 1.0 Author:
<# Description: This script creates the registry keys defined below. Output: (single line) If ok, a prefix string (33) + each the key name e.g: All OK | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName If not ok, a prefix string (52) + each created key (without the not created keys) e.g: Something went wrong :-( | Registry values created: YourFirstKeyName, YourSecondKeyName
Author: Rob Whitley 2024-07-17 Added functionality to handle the Action 'Delete'
region Define registry keys to create here
$RegistrySettingsToValidate = @( [pscustomobject]@{ Action = 'Delete' Hive = 'HKLM:\' Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product' Name = 'ImportantKey' Type = '' Value = 0 }, [pscustomobject]@{ Action = 'Update' Hive = 'HKLM:\' Key = 'SOFTWARE\Contoso\Product' Name = 'AnotherKey' Type = 'REG_SZ' Value = "SomeValue" } )
region helper functions, enums and maps
$RegTypeMap = @{ REG_DWORD = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord REG_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::String REG_QWORD = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::QWord REG_BINARY = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::Binary REG_MULTI_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::MultiString REG_EXPAND_SZ = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString }
region Create registry keys
$Output = "Something went wrong :-(" $Names = @() $ExitCode = 1 Foreach ($reg in $RegistrySettingsToValidate) {
region Check if registry keys are set correctly
If ($Names.count -eq $RegistrySettingsToValidate.count) { $Output = "All OK | Registry values $($DesiredAction)d: $($Names -join ', ')" $ExitCode = 0 } else { $Output = "Something went wrong :-( | Registry values $($DesiredAction)d: $($Names -join ', ')" $ExitCode = 1 }
Write-Output $Output Exit $ExitCode `