JayThomason / Tutti

Tutti is a shared music application for the car being made in conjunction with Audi.
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What We Need for the Software Fair #245

Open avptv opened 10 years ago

avptv commented 10 years ago

Just want to brainstorm what we'll need for the software fair. Jay, you're bringing a monitor and HDMI cable, too?

I'll bring a fully charged laptop to plug in.

I'll bring my Jambox

Fully charged phones -- can someone put more upbeat, dance like music on them?

What else? Should I bring strobe lights or other lights? Might be kinda fun if we put dance music on the phones

JayThomason commented 10 years ago

Yeah I can bring a monitor and HDMI cable.

avptv commented 10 years ago

Great! Do you guys think I should bring some lights? It's kinda silly but also might draw people's attention to our booth. I think it would make sense if it would go along with playing techno or dance music. What do u think?

JayThomason commented 10 years ago

If you want you could bring them and we could decide whether we want to use them when we get there. I don't want to distract people from nearby groups too much though.

avptv commented 10 years ago

Ok ya I'll bring them and we can decide. The more people who come to our booth the better!

hwray commented 10 years ago

I've got some pretty upbeat dance-y music from my library on one of the phones. You guys should bring anything else you want to load on the phones beforehand.

avptv commented 10 years ago

Ok cool I'll make a playlist of upbeat music to load onto one of the phones, too. What time do you guys want to get there? The fair starts at noon, so how much setup time do we need?

avptv commented 10 years ago

Oh and @hwray when you finish posting the final version of the video, can you email me the link so I can put the vid on our website?

hwray commented 10 years ago

Sure thing, can you send me an image of the logo @avptv ?

avptv commented 10 years ago


avptv commented 10 years ago

Got some cool lights and I'll possibly bring my lightsaber too