JayVora-SerpentCS / OdooHotelManagementSystem

Hotel Management System based on Odoo
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Error Creating Invoice #29

Closed DarioLodeiros closed 9 years ago

DarioLodeiros commented 9 years ago

Creating invoice from a service details, i get the next issue: "'hotel.folio' object has no attribute 'folio_pos_order_ids'" while evaluating u'action_invoice_create()'

DarioLodeiros commented 9 years ago

I think I found the problem It seems that the hotel module has a dependecy with Hotel POS restaurant Management... since this module is the one that creates the field 'foilio_pos_order_ids'.

SerpentCS commented 9 years ago

Hello darkidlv, We have made required changes and upgraded the code. Please pull the latest code, it will work for you. Thanks for using our repository.