JayaAnim / CS2W

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(Deadline: 4/26/24) Multiple Date Ranges #50

Open fcoller opened 4 months ago

fcoller commented 4 months ago

On each training program pathway we can enter only one date range. However, some pathways run more than one time per year (for example, DSU offers their OSINT pathway 4 times in one year).

I would like to see if we can add more than one range of dates when I am in the edit pathway page. If we can't do that, perhaps we should change the date range to text instead.

However, if we make the change over to text, then we still need the dates to be able to be used to populate in the Start Date filter:


fcoller commented 3 months ago

Any updates on this task?

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

Yes but I believe some things may be missing. I am communicating with Chase to explain a specific issue I ran into but at the moment I have implemented some code to help filter by multiple date ranges and introduced an additional dropdown filter on the pathway page for more specific search results. This dropdown allows users to select from predefined date ranges, each representing a period during which the pathways might occur. However, I don't think this is what you are requesting if you meant add multiple date ranges within the same box as the start date which seems like it could be confusing from a users perspective if dates are left in number format I could be wrong.



I tried a lot of different things that just weren't working so without breaking the website here is something stable I can show for. At the very least I feel it's better than the original format making it more user friendly. This means I am not finished but I think I am close.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

Hi Ryan! Yes, it seems there is some confusion. We need to enter multiple date ranges on the actual training pages themselves (which I edit as the admin). Those multiple dates would appear on the training program pages themselves in this box: image

Here is where I currently pick start and end dates. image

The issue is, I can only add one start and end date, and some institutions like DSU offer their pathway 4 times a year. Rather than editing the start and end date every time one cohort ends and a new one begins, I'd like to be able to list all 4 start and end dates.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

@Bewtasa12 we can meet if that would be more helpful!

fcoller commented 3 months ago

Please do not push the changes you made to the date filter. We'd like it to go back to how it was.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

@fcoller Okay no worries I will revert that now. Setting up a quick meeting to talk about this one would be nice if you have any free time just let me know, but your previous comment does help as well thank you.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

@Bewtasa12 Absolutely, I can meet at noon today or at 3:30 tomorrow.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

My current ApplicationPeriod model should support multiple instances per pathway however as I mentioned in the other comment I may have made a mistake with migrating and will update again today when I figure it out.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the update. Please comment again with any progress you make.