JayaAnim / CS2W

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(Deadline: 4/26/24) Add new "Application Period" Box #51

Open fcoller opened 4 months ago

fcoller commented 4 months ago

Please add an additional box "Application Period" to appear in the training pathway pages This should be date based. This should also be a field that I can edit in the System Admin Pathways section.


fcoller commented 4 months ago

Please add it under Eligibility.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

@Bewtasa12 please upload a photo of what you see on your end. I can't see an application period box on my side of things.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago


Just a FYI, working on actually implementing the periods of time for each pathway now. Will update within a hour or two.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

Thanks, this is perfect.

fcoller commented 3 months ago

Hi Ryan! Can you make the application period something I can edit from my System Admin, Pathway Panel? It can just be text based, it does not need to be date based.

image This is the area I'd need to be able to change those dates in.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

I couldn't find where you see that on the site I am not sure if that is maybe an older/newer branch or if I couldn't find it. I tried all night to figure this out and couldn't figure it out.


fcoller commented 3 months ago

@Bewtasa12 let's meet today to go over it! I am free at 12 or 1 pm today.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

@fcoller I am free either time as well, let’s go for noon. Sounds great.

Bewtasa12 commented 3 months ago

So implementing this feature along with issue #50 relating to adding multiple date ranges for a pathways program start and end dates, is going to require some assistance from someone on the team that can help with what appears to be a duplicated application_period table causing the latest error I have received.




Here are a few changes that I made including cleaning up the pathway/models.py using the job/models.py as reference. I also edited the forms.py & admin.py but can't carry onward until this migration is dealt with and need help. Thank you. @JayaAnim @fcoller @erasnick

fcoller commented 3 months ago

@JayaAnim can you help Ryan with this task this week? Perhaps you can find a time to meet and go over it together in a Zoom calll?

JayaAnim commented 1 month ago

Implemented FK for new application Period box. Refraining from pushing in order to avoid pushing changes before EN conference.