Jayapraveen / INE-courses-downloader

Python Script to download coures from INE.com website for personal and educational use
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Access token entered is faulty. Check for and correct errors! #34

Open Gamra01 opened 2 years ago

Gamra01 commented 2 years ago

Access token entered is faulty. Check for and correct errors!

ghost commented 2 years ago

you can bypass it for now but the refresh token needs fixed in login() and access_token_refetch()

after 4hrs the token will expire. this is not a fix just a bypass until refresh-token is fixed

in login() change ["Refresh"] to ["Bearer"]

current: refresh_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Refresh"]

bypass: (until resolved) refresh_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]

ghost commented 2 years ago

old code:

def login():
    global access_token
    global refresh_token
    host = "uaa.ine.com"
    header = {"Host": host,"Origin": origin,"Referer": referer,"User-Agent": user_agent,"Accept": accept,"X-Requested-With": x_requested_with,"Accept-Encoding": accept_encodings,"sec-fetch-mode": sec_fetch_mode,"sec-fetch-dest": sec_fetch_dest,"Content-Type": content_type}
    user_name = input("Enter your Username: ")
    password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter your Password: \n")
    login_data = {"username": user_name,"password": password}
    login_data = json.dumps(login_data)
    login_data = requests.post(login_url,headers = header,data = login_data)
    if(login_data.status_code == 200):
        login_data = json.loads(login_data.text)
        access_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]
        refresh_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Refresh"]
        with open(token_path,'w') as fp:
            tokens = {"access_token": access_token,"refresh_token": refresh_token}
            access_token = "Bearer "+ access_token
    elif(login_data.status_code == 403):
        print("Username or password is incorrect\n ")
        option = int(input("Choose from the following options:\n1.Relogin\n2.Exit\n"))
        if(option == 1):

updatd code:

def login():
    global access_token
    global refresh_token
    host = "uaa.ine.com"
    header = {"Host": host,"Origin": origin,"Referer": referer,"User-Agent": user_agent,"Accept": accept,"X-Requested-With": x_requested_with,"Accept-Encoding": accept_encodings,"sec-fetch-mode": sec_fetch_mode,"sec-fetch-dest": sec_fetch_dest,"Content-Type": content_type}
    user_name = input("Enter your Username: ")
    password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter your Password: \n")
    login_data = {"username": user_name,"password": password}
    login_data = json.dumps(login_data)
    login_data = requests.post(login_url,headers = header,data = login_data)
    if(login_data.status_code == 200):
        login_data = json.loads(login_data.text)
        access_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]
        refresh_token = login_data["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]
        with open(token_path,'w') as fp:
            tokens = {"access_token": access_token,"refresh_token": refresh_token}
            access_token = "Bearer "+ access_token
    elif(login_data.status_code == 403):
        print("Username or password is incorrect\n ")
        option = int(input("Choose from the following options:\n1.Relogin\n2.Exit\n"))
        if(option == 1):

refresh has been removed from the json

ghost commented 2 years ago

if you want to fix refresh token also do this

add these headers in #headers (line 43 start) don't delete the existing headers already there.

everything with _2 on the end need to add

accept = "application/json, text/plain, */*"
x_requested_with = "com.my.ine"
sec_fetch_site = "cross-site"
sec_fetch_site_2 = "same-site"
sec_fetch_mode = "cors"
sec_fetch_dest = "empty"
content_type = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
content_type_2 = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0;PIXEL XL Build/INE) Mobile Safari/537.29"
referer = "https://my.ine.com"
origin = "file://"
accept_encodings = "gzip, deflate, br"
accept_encodings_2 = "gzip, deflate"

then change the access_token_refetch function with this updated one I made

def access_token_refetch():
    global access_token
    global refresh_token
    host = "uaa.ine.com"
    header = {"Host": host,"Origin": referer,"Referer": referer,"Authorization": access_token,"User-Agent": user_agent,"Accept": accept,"X-Requested-With": x_requested_with,"Accept-Encoding": accept_encodings_2,"sec-fetch-mode": sec_fetch_mode,"sec-fetch-dest": sec_fetch_dest,"Content-Type": content_type_2}
    refresh_data = json.dumps({"refresh_token":refresh_token})
    out = requests.post(refresh_token_url, headers = header)
    #out = requests.post(refresh_token_url, data = refresh_data , headers = header)
    if(out.status_code == 200):
        out = json.loads(out.text)
        access_token = out["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]
        refresh_token = out["data"]["tokens"]["data"]["Bearer"]
        with open(token_path,'w') as fp:
            tokens = {"access_token": access_token,"refresh_token": refresh_token}
        access_token = "Bearer "+ access_token
        print("Got new tokens")
    elif(out.status_code == 401):
        relogin = int(input("Failure, Please choose from the following options\n1.Login\n2.Recheck for updated tokens(after updating the tokens in the file)\n3.Exit\n"))
        if(relogin == 1):
        elif(relogin == 2):
        elif(relogin == 3):

now token will refresh again ;D enjoy!

ghost commented 2 years ago

**update the have access function also

replace old code**

def course_has_access(course):
    for passes in range(len(course["access"]["related_passes"]) -1 ,0,-1):
        boolean =  True if course["access"]["related_passes"][passes]["name"] in access_pass else False
    return boolean

with updated function

def course_has_access(course):
    global have_access
    have_access = False
    for passes in range(len(course["access"]["related_passes"])):
            have_access = True if course["access"]["related_passes"][passes]["name"] in access_pass else True
            if have_access == False:
                have_access = True if course["access"]["related_passes"][passes][0]["name"] in access_pass else True
                have_access = True if course["access"]["related_passes"][passes][0]["name"] in access_pass else True
    return have_access
Andre-pwn commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't work after changes, token faulty

Extremalzhez commented 1 year ago

Is anyone fixed this issue? I did everything above but still the script won’t work