Jayick / Farming

Breedable raised livestock for harvest, new crops, new recipes, massive overhaul to food.
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Opaque leafs textures #7

Open franksouza183 opened 5 years ago

franksouza183 commented 5 years ago

The screenshot explain everything

Image of the glitch

weelillad commented 5 years ago

Which fruit tree is this? Apple trees work fine for me.

franksouza183 commented 5 years ago

Apple tree. Maybe related to the Unity linux version. Marijuana work just fine.

franksouza183 commented 5 years ago

all plants, except for marijuana plant, have this problem. Texture image format, maybe?

Jayick commented 5 years ago

Humm this is a new one. I just fixed an issue with mac and rendering some textures pink. Maybe this will help that as well.

I'll be pushing a texture update soon. Thanks for the bug report!

franksouza183 commented 5 years ago

Maybe relevant: I get this warning in the logs:

"Desired shader compiler platform 15 is not available in shader blob" Also, I get the same pink textures in some mods, like "Sorcery". I think it's related.

How did you fixed the pink textures? Image format related problem?