I have this statement in my profile to set a variable date string.
Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable Dt -Mode Read -Action {$Global:Dt=((get-date -f o).replace(':','-')) -replace ".{6}$"; $Global:Dt}
This causes the first command to cause the prompt to be reset to just PS.
In addition all commands including dir do not produce any output to the PS console.
Set-PowerLinePrompt -SetCurrentDirectory -RestoreVirtualTerminal -Newline -Timestamp -Colors "#00DDFF","#0066FF"
I have this statement in my profile to set a variable date string. Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable Dt -Mode Read -Action {$Global:Dt=((get-date -f o).replace(':','-')) -replace ".{6}$"; $Global:Dt}
This causes the first command to cause the prompt to be reset to just PS. In addition all commands including dir do not produce any output to the PS console. Set-PowerLinePrompt -SetCurrentDirectory -RestoreVirtualTerminal -Newline -Timestamp -Colors "#00DDFF","#0066FF"