Jaymon / stockton

Quickly setup an email server to forward a personal domain to any email address
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Add support for Fail2Ban? #13

Open Jaymon opened 8 years ago

Jaymon commented 8 years ago

Below is from a blog post I found, worth adding support for?

filters I have installed me in Fail2Ban.

The filter (/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix.conf)

 failregex = warning: (. *) \ [<HOST> \]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
 reject: RCPT from \ [<HOST> \] (*.): 554 5.1.1
 reject: RCPT from \ [<HOST> \] (*.): 450 4.7.1
 reject: RCPT from \ [<HOST> \] (*.): 554 5.7.1
 ignoreregex = 

The configuration (/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf)

 enabled = true
 port = smtp, ssmtp
 filter = postfix
 logpath = / var / log / mail.log
 bantime = 6000
 maxretry = 5 

Then "restart fail2ban"


Jaymon commented 8 years ago

This guide was recommended by this other guide