Jays2Kings / DS4Windows

Like those other ds4tools, but sexier
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[Feature Request] Task Scheduler Version of Start With Windows Option #162

Open shinra358 opened 8 years ago

shinra358 commented 8 years ago

Requesting an option to allow a version of the auto startup with windows option to use the task scheduler. Why? It's because games that require the UAC like online games (blade & soul, etc), doesn't work with the game unless ds4windows is started up in admin mode (even if you are already using an admin account).

Have the program create scheduled task at the first run of the current location (would only required one uac prompt to set up). Afterward, have the shortcut in the start up folder lead to the task scheduler reference for it to tell the program to start in admin mode. Walah, no more uac required and all future auto runs (from that location) will always be run with admin priviledges.

paulo-lima-dev commented 8 years ago

Yeah with Win10 this is really needed for the average joe.

What I do is to create the task myself. Is not hard:

  1. Create the task: Run DS4Windows -Select "Run only when user is logged on" -Trick "Run with highest privileges"

2-Add trigger -Begin the task: "At log on" -Trick "enable"

3-Create the Action to launch DS4W -Add "new" action: "Start a Program" -Program/script: "%windir%\System32\cmd.exe" (No quotes) -Add arguments: /c start "Run DS4Windows" "[C:.......]\DS4Windows.exe"* Replace all the "[C:.......\DS4\DS4Tool - J2K]" with the path to your DS4Windows.exe file.

Last make sure DS4Windows.exe is already with Admin privileges just to make sure.