Jays2Kings / tachiyomiJ2K

Free and open source manga reader for Android
Apache License 2.0
4.35k stars 207 forks source link

Library unexpectedly reverting on fresh install without restore from backup #1769

Open ablakers opened 4 months ago

ablakers commented 4 months ago

Steps to reproduce

Uninstall and reinstall app (no difference made if app data is cleared or backup folder location deleted beforehand, using all data management options to clear/clean, or clearing app data of the extension the manga comes from)

Expected behavior

Library is initially empty

Actual behavior

Library shows as it was before fault was first noticed as soon as app is launched, regardless of other changes made to library since then

Crash logs

No response

TachiyomiJ2K version


Android version



OnePlus Nord

Other details

I'm on a rooted phone and when I had issues updating Magisk I ended up doing a wipe of the phone. I had only one manga in my library at the time, but when I first reinstalled TachiJ2K, I was surprised that this manga was back in the library as soon as I opened it for the first time except its cover was missing, which I put down to the source's extension not being reinstalled yet. When I reinstalled the source extension, and redownloaded the chapters, the manga's cover was still blank*. I tried refreshing library metadata, this still didn't bring back the cover so I removed the manga from my library, cleared app data, uninstalled and reinstalled, only to find the manga was immediately back in my library, again with missing cover. No change when I deleted my TachiyomiJ2K folder including the backups that were within it.

The zombie library entry only comes back when the app is uninstalled before I install it again - the library stays empty if I clear app data and relaunch without reinstall, or if I reinstall while it's still installed (whether or not I clear app data first).

I tried searching my phone's storage for any Tachi-related files and folders and couldn't find any, (incl .tachibk and .proto.gz files) apart from folders for other Tachi forks that don't have this manga in their libraries, so I'm not sure where the app is pulling the library entry from. Could it be that TachiJ2K got included in Google's automatic app backup and restore despite not being a Play Store app? Or the app is restoring from a partition that wasn't wiped with the rest of my user data?

*Unable to reproduce that part now though - somehow when I tried again just now, downloading a single chapter was enough to bring back the library cover. The zombie library entry still goes back to missing the cover when I uninstall and reinstall though
