Jays2Kings / tachiyomiJ2K

Free and open source manga reader for Android
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature Request] Source Cross Referencing #862

Open SunBreaker1 opened 3 years ago

SunBreaker1 commented 3 years ago

Why/User Benefit/User Problem

With the large number of mangas saved from one source, it is difficult to track what mangas are saved from one source when browsing a second. This issue arose when MangaDex was hacked and taken down, resulting in me changing sources. With it now up I would like to have 2 main sources as MangaDex has alot of mangas that Mangalife doesn't.


Just like the manga migration feature allows the user to select which sources they want to migrate wo anoither source(s), this feature should work in a similar manner.

nonproto commented 3 years ago

Can you explain what you are actually wanting?

SunBreaker1 commented 3 years ago

Can you explain what you are actually wanting?

Since the hack of MangaDex I migrated all my current Mangas over to MangaLife. Since then the MangaDex API has been brought back online and can be used to read. Because i like to use multiple sources for reading, as not all sources have the Mangas that i want and because i have a lot on my device saved to read. Simply put I was thinking of implementing a feature that allows the user to see what Mangas are already in the users library while browsing another.

For example, if the user has 5 Mangas save from Mangalife, those Mangas would appear as "in library" while browsing another source, telling the user not to save it as it's already saved from another source. I would like to think that this feature could work by setting a main source and choosing one or more sources in which the mangas from the main source appear as already saved.

The attached pictures are what it could look like. 1st - current look 2nd - what I imagine

Sorry if I'm requesting a very specific feature that only I may want. Also, I apologize if my explanation is lacking in details.

(I used paint, don't hate)

Cross save before Cross save after

05k-44 commented 3 years ago

The only issue, that i can see, is that some extensions use the romanji name and some use the English release name, so it's hard to cross reference when it's looking for English but it's in romanji in your library

SunBreaker1 commented 3 years ago

The only issue, that i can see, is that some extensions use the romanji name and some use the English release name, so it's hard to cross reference when it's looking for English but it's in romanji in your library

If this feature is implemented/worked on, there could be a work around where the user could manually either romanji or English. In reality this is a complex feature, no matter how simple this feature is, it could help the user experience as a quality of life improvement. And if this feature is liked, it be worked on more to work with both romanji and English.

I'm not a programmer nor do I know the inner workings of this app and how it communicates with APIs and extensions, so I apologize if this feature is asking for too much.

asdkant commented 2 years ago

I also want this for the same reasons. One way to implement it could be:

Description could also be added to the local DB for "already in collection" detection.

Caio99BR commented 2 years ago

Maybe it's related to https://github.com/Jays2Kings/tachiyomiJ2K/commit/0f50c30ad13e79959931ae486548a50c67da9248

asdkant commented 1 year ago

this feature is implemented/worked on, there could be a work around where the user could manually either romanji or English. In reality this is a complex feature, no matter how simple this feature is, it could help the user experience as a quality of life improvement. And if this feature is liked, it be worked on more to work wi

Yes, the logic implemented there could definitely be used. But what is being proposed here is a bit more extensive, and it should run way more frequently. So maybe looking into optimizations would be a good idea.

Also, for NSFW sources it's common to get something along the lines of [artist] title | alt title (series) {translator} with other extra bits of information, so some smartness to detect that and match it to sources that just do regular titles would be appreciated (even if it's just for the detection done when adding to library)