Jaysce / Spaceman

A macOS app to view Spaces / Virtual Desktops in the menu bar
MIT License
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Feature request: Clicking space changes to that space #7

Open milesmcclane opened 3 years ago

milesmcclane commented 3 years ago

Hi, I actually thought that was what the app was for when I installed it. Otherwise, is it just to visualise how many spaces you have and which is the active one? I think that switching to the space when clicked on would dramatically increase usefulness.

Could something like this be added?


trsrm commented 3 years ago


samwzlim commented 3 years ago

Coming from Windows 10, there were a few 3rd party apps that allowed for this functionality (just google Windows 10 virtual desktop manager). Hoping Spaceman will support this in the future, as it is super helpful.

samwzlim commented 3 years ago

The free app 'CurrentKey Stats' on the Mac App Store provides similar functionality to this, although not exactly. The app allows the user to switch to a different space just by clicking on the icon on the menu bar and selecting the target space under a dropdown.

CleanShot 2021-06-06 at 20 16 38

AugustM commented 2 years ago

I'll add my vote for the following behavior:

Anything less is counter-intuitive.

nlboris commented 1 year ago


grumpygamer commented 1 year ago

+1 for this... I love Spaceman but want to switch desktops by clicking on the toolbar buttons.

AugustM commented 1 year ago

samwzlim commented on Jun 6, 2021

"The free app 'CurrentKey Stats' on the Mac App Store" -- Unfortunately, the app has been withdrawn. The developer cites lack of device that supports Monterey and the demands on his time of being a new father.

I have been whittling away at what it might take to provide some of the CurrentKey Desktop Switching functions through KeyboardMaestro and AppleScript. It's slow going because I'm not a developer, just a "talented amateur". In particular, I want a system that supports lots of Desktop Spaces. I have been using over 20 for a couple of years and recently, as part of my Substitute-for-CurrentKey work, have upped that to 40. Which is why names, hotkeys, and menu access are so important. Most Desktop Workspace apps seem to have use-case of a maximum of five desktops. Apple doesn't believe in using more than 16.

ruittenb commented 1 year ago

Yes please! That would make this tool super-useful.

carlditzler commented 1 year ago

Would also help me to switch via click of the space and, in case it's help to others, there are Mac OS options to switch spaces via:

  1. On a trackpad, swipe left or right with three or four fingers. On a Magic Mouse, swipe with two fingers.
  2. Press the Control key and the Right or Left arrow key.
  3. Enter Mission Control, move the pointer to the top edge of the screen, then click a space in the Spaces bar.
aubreypwd commented 1 year ago


Or, at least a dropdown that lets me select it.

apkawel commented 6 months ago

+1 for clicking on rectangle to switch to the space.

Thanks to the team for this great app! Very useful. 🙏

DJenner8 commented 3 months ago

Another vote for clicking on space to switch to it.

ruittenb commented 2 months ago

Using a workaround (with osascript), I've been able to make changes so that the requested functionality is available. This is version v1.6.6, available in my fork https://github.com/ruittenb/Spaceman Please read the installation instructions!

We have not heard from @Jaysce in a while, but I created a pull request in https://github.com/Jaysce/Spaceman/pull/37

Please note that I am not a Swift programmer, so there is probably a lot of room for improvement! Suggestions are welcome.