Jayshah6699 / datascience-mashup

In this repo I will try to gather all of the projects related to data science with clean datasets and high accuracy models to solve real world problems.
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Sound classification #141

Closed Jayshah6699 closed 3 years ago

Jayshah6699 commented 3 years ago

Classify sounds using the dataset given below. https://urbansounddataset.weebly.com/urbansound8k.html

You need to classify sounds into these following categories. 0 = air_conditioner 1 = car_horn 2 = children_playing 3 = dog_bark 4 = drilling 5 = engine_idling 6 = gun_shot 7 = jackhammer 8 = siren 9 = street_music

AmanSingh0-0 commented 3 years ago

I would like to work on this. I am thinking of creating a Convolutional Network Model using Keras running over Tensorflow with a few layers. The dataset is quite big. So, give me about a week to do it.

@Jayshah6699 I'm participating in DWOC. It would be great if you assign this issue to me. Thank you.