Jazqa / kwin-quarter-tiling

An easy tiling script for KWin
GNU General Public License v2.0
366 stars 20 forks source link

The script does nothing at all #29

Closed janbuchar closed 7 years ago

janbuchar commented 7 years ago

I installed the script from the AUR on Arch Linux (kwin 5.10.4), enabled it in system settings and rebooted, but it does nothing - windows appear just like they did before, keyboard shortcuts do nothing. I know it's impossible to tell what's happening from this - what other information can I provide you with?

vegarab commented 7 years ago

Is the script enabled under Window Management -> KWin Scripts -> Check Quarter Tiling and press enable. You can also try to restart the script with kwin --replace from anywhere.

Jazqa commented 7 years ago

I've probably messed up in the latest commit, what a perfect timing considering the Reddit post. I do try to test everything thoroughly but sometimes mistakes do happen. I'll start versioned releases soon to avoid this. I'll fix it the moment I get on my computer.

Did you just download it? How many displays are you using? Are you using Activities?

janbuchar commented 7 years ago

Yes, I downloaded it a couple of minutes before I opened this issue. I have a single display and I do use activities.

Jazqa commented 7 years ago

Activities should work. How many activities do you have? Are they empty or do they have windows open when you're starting the script? I'll try to replicate this and fix it. Shouldn't take long.

I should probably mention that while activities work, pinning windows to multiple activities only tiles them on the first one. Supporting window pinning is possible but it's a huge job so I haven't implemented it yet.

janbuchar commented 7 years ago

I have 5 activities, some of them contained windows when I started the script. I also tried rebooting with the script already enabled. I do have some pinned windows, opening a mail client after a new mail notification appears is a huge pain without that.

Jazqa commented 7 years ago

I'm testing the script with eight activities and a ton of windows. Some of which are pinned to multiple activities and some of which are pinned to all activities. Surprisingly, the script is starting with no problem. If anything specific comes to mind, feel free to post here and it might help me reproduce the issue.

If you really want to help. Type wm console into Krunner, copy the contents of /usr/share/kwin/scripts/quarter-tiling/contents/code/main.js into the console, execute the script and open a new window, console's output field should start filling up and the latest output should be some kind of error. Just paste the last few lines here and it'll help me figure it out.

If the error is similar to the error below, you need to select "Plasma" and then re-select "KWin" inside the console before pressing execute, it's a bug in the debugging console.

Error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: readConfig at line 23

<global>() at 23
Jazqa commented 7 years ago

Can you update and give it a shot? It's possible this was caused by the same bug that caused #28.

janbuchar commented 7 years ago

After the update, it seems to work. Thanks for your work!