JcBernack / WinBioNET

Managed wrapper in C#/NET for the Windows Biometric Framework
MIT License
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Added function to parse raw image data and convert it into bitmap #15

Closed kszczek closed 5 years ago

kszczek commented 5 years ago

Added new CaptureSample implementation that returns Bitmap image and added few structures needed to parse WinBioBir structure.

kszczek commented 5 years ago

I've tested it on Windows 7 Professional with Validity VFS5011 sensor. According to microsoft some fingerprint scanners don't support StandardDataBlock so there is no way to recover image. I've only got one sensor so I can't test portability but according to microsoft raw image data always begins right after Ansi381Record if sensor supports StandardDataBlock.

JcBernack commented 5 years ago

Good changes, thanks for the PR.