JcBernack / WinBioNET

Managed wrapper in C#/NET for the Windows Biometric Framework
MIT License
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WinBioEnrollBegin : Access Denied #6

Open Saranbeula opened 7 years ago

Saranbeula commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am trying to use Windows biometric for a application. Though im running application with Admin rights getting Acces denined error in WinBioEnrollBegin.

Its able to create Database, add unit and opensession but not able to enroll. I checked biometric drivers and services in system evreything is working fine. Even Winbio.Identify is working its able to sensor the fingerprint.

Only the Enrollment is not happening.

Kindly help me in this issue.


JcBernack commented 7 years ago


do you have other applications to check if the sensor is actually working correctly? Have you tried the test applications in this repo? Does the same error occur there?

Saranbeula commented 7 years ago


We are using Lenovo Laptop with windows 10 OS installed. Its able to enroll with Lenovo smart Fingerprint but not with windows Hello.

I haven't tried the test application in the machine yet.


Saranbeula commented 7 years ago


I tried the WinbioNet application in tat machine its able to locate sensor and even identity is working (giving message as unknown user) but on click of Enroll its giving message as WinBioEnrollBegin : Access Denied


ashley-anirudh commented 5 months ago


Did anyone get a fix for this issue? It works fine on one pc. But not on another. It is probably related to a permission issue on a folder or so. Can anyone point me in the right direction.