JcBernack / WinBioNET

Managed wrapper in C#/NET for the Windows Biometric Framework
MIT License
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It's possible to use a sql database #9

Open rmxakalogistik opened 7 years ago

rmxakalogistik commented 7 years ago

Can you provide an exemple of using sql database to store?

JcBernack commented 7 years ago

No I can't. I haven't done that yet.

rmxakalogistik commented 7 years ago

Is there then a way to see the image of the print?

kszczek commented 5 years ago

I know I'm late but maybe it will be useful for other people. You can use library like SourceAFIS to extract lightweight template from fingerprint image and store it in database as blob and then retrieve templates from database and compare them to user's fingerprint for verification.

deb011 commented 5 years ago

I couldn't find any example to use WINBIO_DATABASE_TYPE_DBMS or WINBIO_DATABASE_TYPE_FILE on the web.

Can anyone help? Any comments are appreciated!

kszczek commented 5 years ago

I think you have to write a storage adapter to use custom db.