Jcw87 / c2-sans-fight

Undertale Sans Fight Clone
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Problem with modding BTS #76

Closed DeltaCC closed 3 years ago

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

When I try to replace the texture of the Blaster / bone, it is as if it is replaced but nothing changes in the game, the same textures. Help pls

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

Where are you changing the texture? And where are you playing the game with the modified texture?

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

Where are you changing the texture? And where are you playing the game with the modified texture?

I changing blaster texture in folder "images" (gasterblaster-sheet0, gasterblaster-sheet1) awfull-dev.github.io/double-deuce/ Yes, it does not differ from the original, but this is because almost everything I did-did not apply, only the music changed

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

Where are you changing the texture? And where are you playing the game with the modified texture?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I started doing this 3 days ago

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

I cloned your project on the last commit, and I couldn't find any "images" folder. Where are you saving your textures?

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

I got something. The problem with the bones is that you only changed BoneSTabH, wich is the texture shown when a BoneStab attack ocours, But the BoneH, the BoneV and the BoneStabV have the default texture. Try changing it.

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

I cloned your project on the last commit, and I couldn't find any "images" folder. Where are you saving your textures?

images folder in gh-pages. Anyway, thanks for help

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

I got something. The problem with the bones is that you only changed BoneSTabH, wich is the texture shown when a BoneStab attack ocours, But the BoneH, the BoneV and the BoneStabV have the default texture. Try changing it.

I change the BoneH, BoneV, BoneStabV. But its still have original texture

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

The preview of Construct changes the texture, maybe is semthing wrong with the deploy version.

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

The preview also render Sans disassembled, you should check that

DeltaCC commented 3 years ago

The preview also render Sans disassembled, you should check that

The preview of Construct changes the texture, maybe is semthing wrong with the deploy version.

It's possibly to fix?

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

You have two files for the same bone: BoneH.png and boneh.png. The original code is grabbing the boneh.png texture, in order to fix that you should rename the purple bones to purplebone*.png, or if you dont want to use the white ones you should rename all the CamelCase images to downcase

ChaboCode commented 3 years ago

You have two files for the same bone: BoneH.png and boneh.png. The original code is grabbing the boneh.png texture, in order to fix that you should rename the purple bones to purplebone*.png, or if you dont want to use the white ones you should rename all the CamelCase images to downcase

also rename the images on the project, otherwise it may fail by searching the CamelCase images.

player2I0 commented 3 years ago

To change image, you must change image IN Construct 2!

iKNIFEu commented 3 years ago

Actually no. I think you should change the image while construct 2 is closed. if you do that while construct 2 is open, the file will stay as it is, as from my experience, it's literally annoying.

Jcw87 commented 3 years ago

Actually, both of you are wrong, because if you were paying attention, the OP is trying to change the images in the compiled project, likely because they don't own Construct 2. This does work, but I won't support it. Also, fun fact that is only slightly relevant. When a Construct 2 project is open, regardless of whether it is a folder project or a *.capx, the editor works with a folder somewhere in your AppData folder. As a result, changing images in your project folder while the editor has it open will never work. I wouldn't recommend trying to tamper with this AppData folder either, as it can cause weird visual issues in the editor and possibly crash it.

iKNIFEu commented 3 years ago

I do own construct 2. Maybe I'm just really not paying attention. Well, thank you.

iKNIFEu commented 3 years ago

I do own construct 2. Maybe I'm just really not paying attention. Well, thank you.