Jcw87 / c2-sans-fight

Undertale Sans Fight Clone
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How do I make rotating Blasters work in custom attack? #83

Open israelita95 opened 3 years ago

israelita95 commented 3 years ago

Every time I copy the code of the rotating blasters it doesn't work, only one blaster appears.

iKNIFEu commented 3 years ago

I'll explain it to you, that makes you even copy any code and easily put them into your lovely custom attack. So, in 0,CombatZoneResize,121,186,526,391,TLResume,,, 0,HeartTeleport,320,304,,,,,, 0,HeartMode,0,,,,,,, 0,TLPause,,,,,,,, 0.4,SET,Loop,12,,,,,, 0,SUB,Loop,$Loop,1,,,,, 0,RND,Ang,360,,,,,, 0,COS,X,$Ang,,,,,, 0,SIN,Y,$Ang,,,,,, 0,MUL,EndX,$X,200,,,,, 0,MUL,EndY,$Y,200,,,,, 0,MUL,X,$X,400,,,,, 0,MUL,Y,$Y,300,,,,, 0,GetHeartPos,HeartX,HeartY,,,,,, 0,ADD,EndX,$EndX,$HeartX,,,,, 0,ADD,EndY,$EndY,$HeartY,,,,, 0,ADD,X,$X,$HeartX,,,,, 0,ADD,Y,$Y,$HeartY,,,,, 0,JMPNL,21,$EndX,50,,,,, 0,SET,EndX,50,,,,,, 0,JMPNG,23,$EndX,590,,,,, 0,SET,EndX,590,,,,,, 0,JMPNL,25,$EndY,40,,,,, 0,SET,EndY,40,,,,,, 0,JMPNG,27,$EndY,440,,,,, 0,SET,EndY,440,,,,,, 0,ANGLE,Ang,$EndX,$EndY,$HeartX,$HeartY,,, 0,GasterBlaster,1,$X,$Y,$EndX,$EndY,$Ang,0.66666,0.03333,,,,, 0.66666,JMPNZ,6,$Loop,,,,,, 0,EndAttack,,,,,,,,

that, huh? If you have notepad++, it'll really be useful, or at least, I use notepad++ to make my own custom attacks or edit the engine. Anyway, see the "JMPNG" or "JMPNL" stuff? I'm confused about it too lol, but they're really useful, jcw87 was really smart adding this, in the first JMPNL, you'll see a number next to it, "21". you'll have to know the line code of "0,JMPNG,23,$EndX,590,,,,," If you get that code, replace the 21 with that line, and that's first completed, next. replace the "23" number in "0,JMPNG,23,$EndX,590,,,,," to the line number of "0,JMPNL,25,$EndY,40,,,,," and in "0,JMPNL,25,$EndY,40,,,,," replace the number "25" to the line number of "0,JMPNG,27,$EndY,440,,,,," And in "0,JMPNG,27,$EndY,440,,,,," you'll have to replace the number to the line of "0,ANGLE,Ang,$EndX,$EndY,$HeartX,$HeartY,,,". After you're done with all this mess, it's not over yet. see "0,SUB,Loop,$Loop,1,,,,,"? yeah, that. in "0.66666,JMPNZ,6,$Loop,,,,,," the number "6" should be replaced with the line number of "0,SUB,Loop,$Loop,1,,,,," and it's set! now test your custom attack and have fun. If you want to know how to use the rotating blasters, it's pretty easy.

Copy the code of the final attack, or just copy it from here:

0,SET,gt,0,,,,,, 0,SET,gin,1,,,,,, 0,MUL,Ang,$gt,-10,,,,, 0,COS,X,$Ang,,,,,, 0,SIN,Y,$Ang,,,,,, 0,MUL,EndX,$X,150,,,,, 0,MUL,EndY,$Y,150,,,,, 0,MUL,X,$EndX,3,,,,, 0,MUL,Y,$EndY,3,,,,, 0,ADD,X,$X,320,,,,, 0,ADD,Y,$Y,306,,,,, 0,ADD,EndX,$EndX,320,,,,, 0,ADD,EndY,$EndY,306,,,,, 0,ADD,Ang,$Ang,180,,,,, 0,GasterBlaster,0,$X,$Y,$EndX,$EndY,$Ang,0.5,0 0,ADD,gt,$gt,$gin,,,,, 0,JMPNL,156,$gin,1.7,,,,, 0,ADD,gin,$gin,0.015,,,,, 0.06666,JMPL,140,$gt,190,,,,, It's pretty easy to make it into your custom attack. See "0,JMPNL,156,$gin,1.7,,,,,"? replace it with the line number of "0.06666,JMPL,140,$gt,190,,,,,"

once you've done that, you replace the number next to "0.06666,JMPL,140,$gt,190,,,,," to the line number of "0,MUL,Ang,$gt,-10,,,,,", once you've done that, you have your rotating blasters!

If you need anymore help, just ask, if it's something I DON'T know, I will not help.

Edit: I'm sorry for the late comment, though.

iKNIFEu commented 3 years ago

So are you gonna do that or...?

SpaghettiFan commented 9 months ago

@iKNIFEu Thank you so much for the code. A small question though, How can I add more variety as to what angle the gaster blasters shoot from? Thanks!