JdeRobot / DetectionMetrics

Tool to evaluate deep-learning detection and segmentation models, and to create datasets
GNU General Public License v3.0
72 stars 38 forks source link

Problem with installation of OpenCV on ubuntu 20.04 #229

Open heebahsaleem opened 5 months ago

heebahsaleem commented 5 months ago

I have followed this site: https://velog.io/@minukiki/Ubuntu-20.04%EC%97%90-OpenCV-4.4.0-%EC%84%A4%EC%B9%98

However, I am stuck at 96%. I could not understand the issue.

time make -j$(nproc) [ 0%] Built target gen-pkgconfig [ 0%] Built target opencv_videoio_plugins [ 1%] Built target quirc [ 2%] Built target ittnotify [ 3%] Built target ade [ 13%] Built target libwebp [ 19%] Built target libprotobuf [ 28%] Built target opencv_core [ 28%] Built target opencv_version [ 28%] Built target opencv_hdf [ 28%] Built target opencv_flann [ 29%] Built target opencv_surface_matching [ 30%] Built target opencv_ml [ 38%] Built target opencv_imgproc [ 38%] Built target opencv_quality [ 38%] Built target opencv_plot [ 39%] Built target opencv_reg [ 40%] Built target opencv_hfs [ 40%] Built target opencv_freetype [ 41%] Built target opencv_img_hash [ 41%] Built target opencv_phase_unwrapping [ 41%] Built target opencv_intensity_transform [ 41%] Built target opencv_fuzzy [ 42%] Built target opencv_alphamat [ 44%] Built target opencv_photo [ 46%] Built target opencv_imgcodecs [ 56%] Built target opencv_dnn [ 57%] Built target opencv_xphoto [ 60%] Built target opencv_features2d [ 60%] Built target opencv_dnn_superres [ 60%] Built target opencv_text [ 61%] Built target opencv_line_descriptor [ 62%] Built target opencv_videoio [ 63%] Built target opencv_saliency [ 66%] Built target opencv_datasets [ 66%] Built target opencv_highgui [ 69%] Built target opencv_calib3d [ 69%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/opencv_annotation [ 69%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/opencv_visualisation [ 69%] Built target opencv_dnn_objdetect [ 70%] Built target opencv_rapid [ 70%] Built target opencv_aruco [ 70%] Built target opencv_ccalib [ 70%] Built target opencv_structured_light [ 71%] Built target opencv_objdetect [ 71%] Built target opencv_shape [ 72%] Built target opencv_bioinspired [ 72%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/opencv_interactive-calibration [ 73%] Built target opencv_video [ 73%] Built target opencv_xobjdetect [ 74%] Built target opencv_dpm [ 76%] Built target opencv_rgbd [ 77%] Built target opencv_bgsegm [ 77%] Built target opencv_waldboost_detector [ 81%] Built target opencv_tracking [ 82%] Built target opencv_face [ 83%] Built target opencv_videostab [ 89%] Built target opencv_gapi [ 90%] Built target opencv_stereo [ 93%] Built target opencv_xfeatures2d [ 96%] Built target opencv_ximgproc /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_uint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_sint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_pointer@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_void@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_prep_cif@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_call@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [apps/annotation/CMakeFiles/opencv_annotation.dir/build.make:89: bin/opencv_annotation] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5434: apps/annotation/CMakeFiles/opencv_annotation.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... [ 97%] Built target opencv_stitching /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_uint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_sint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_pointer@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_void@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_prep_cif@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_call@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [apps/visualisation/CMakeFiles/opencv_visualisation.dir/build.make:89: bin/opencv_visualisation] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5465: apps/visualisation/CMakeFiles/opencv_visualisation.dir/all] Error 2 [ 98%] Built target opencv_optflow /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_uint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_sint32@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_type_pointer@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to ffi_type_void@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference toffi_prep_cif@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-client.so.0: undefined reference to `ffi_call@LIBFFI_BASE_7.0' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: [apps/interactive-calibration/CMakeFiles/opencv_interactive-calibration.dir/build.make:168: bin/opencv_interactive-calibration] Error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:5500: apps/interactive-calibration/CMakeFiles/opencv_interactive-calibration.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:163: all] Error 2

real 0m0.633s user 0m1.734s sys 0m0.651s`

sergiopaniego commented 5 months ago


This repo is no longer maintained and it is offered as it is. Regarding the issue that you point out, the error mentions some missing files. Installing them could be the solution.